Happy Holidays! We wish you a very merry holiday season. Our BlitzTheWave blog will resume being updated after January 1, 2011.
Enjoy this season!
Distributor I.D # 727136
Friday, December 17, 2010
The SP6 Complete Weight Loss System: Slide Show
Wrapping up this week's topic of Lifewave's SP6 Complete system, we've prepared a special slide show just for you. This slide show plays like a video, explaining the SP6 Complete system in wonderful detail.
Follow this link and enjoy!
Follow this link and enjoy!
sp6 complete,
SP6 patch,
sp6 slide show
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The SP6 Complete Weight Loss System: Sizzle Call and Video
Today we're still exploring the Lifewave SP6 Complete weight loss system, but we're not exploring a specific aspect; it's more of a hodge podge of things to be aware of.
We've already discussed the SP6 patch last month during our week of explring the patches. It's important to be aware of though that the Energy Enhancer patch can also assist with weight loss as it assists the body in burning up to 22% more fat per day when worn. WOW!
Second, Lifewave offers a sizzle call about their SP6 Complete system. Here's some information on it.
Lifewave offers a "sizzle" call with additional information regarding the SP6 Complete system. You may access this call at any time by calling 712-338-7900. Here is what the call covers:
Option 1: Introduction by David Schmidt
Option 2: Introduction by David Schmidt and Dr. Steve Haltiwanger
Option 3: Appetite Control Patch
Option 4: Detoxifying Maqui Juice Cocktail
Option 5: Time-Released Detox I & II Oral Supplements
Option 6: Time-Released Meal Replacement
The call is easy to access, automated, and lasts approximately 30 minutes in length.
Lastly, here is a video discussing the SP6 Complete system. It's pretty interesting, so give it a try.
We've already discussed the SP6 patch last month during our week of explring the patches. It's important to be aware of though that the Energy Enhancer patch can also assist with weight loss as it assists the body in burning up to 22% more fat per day when worn. WOW!
Second, Lifewave offers a sizzle call about their SP6 Complete system. Here's some information on it.
Lifewave offers a "sizzle" call with additional information regarding the SP6 Complete system. You may access this call at any time by calling 712-338-7900. Here is what the call covers:
Option 1: Introduction by David Schmidt
Option 2: Introduction by David Schmidt and Dr. Steve Haltiwanger
Option 3: Appetite Control Patch
Option 4: Detoxifying Maqui Juice Cocktail
Option 5: Time-Released Detox I & II Oral Supplements
Option 6: Time-Released Meal Replacement
The call is easy to access, automated, and lasts approximately 30 minutes in length.
Lastly, here is a video discussing the SP6 Complete system. It's pretty interesting, so give it a try.
Energy Enhancer,
sp6 complete,
SP6 patch,
sp6 sizzle call,
sp6 video
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The SP6 Complete Weight Loss System: Meal Replacement
Today's topic is about Lifewave's meal replacement. I've written about this topic numerous times over the previous months. I've given recipes to use it for amongst other topics. Check through our old blogs for some great information.
The meal replacement is a protein powder, but it’s unlike other protein powders. It’s a unique formula that’s time released. This means over five hours of time, a little protein is released into the system at a time, keeping your blood sugar levels sustained. This is how our body uses protein. Our body can only deal with small portions at a time. If the body has too much protein at one time, the body just eliminates the excess, providing no additional benefit.
Being a vegetarian, I’ve tried a whole lot of protein powders. Most are downright disgusting. I’ll admit I was skeptical before I tried lifewave’s powder. I believed it would be like all the others I had tried. I was completely wrong. This stuff tastes great! It dissolves completely, leaving behind no chunks to try to swallow. It doesn’t separate from the water its mixed with either. It’s made with natural ingredients that will aid in your weight loss instead of hinder it. It’s sweetened with stevia and has subtle hints of a vanilla flavor. Some people don’t like the taste of stevia, and I do understand why, but I assure you, it does Not taste like stevia. It’s very important that it’s not sweetened with sugar as sugar causes weight gain and decreases the functioning of the immune system.
The meal replacement is a protein powder, but it’s unlike other protein powders. It’s a unique formula that’s time released. This means over five hours of time, a little protein is released into the system at a time, keeping your blood sugar levels sustained. This is how our body uses protein. Our body can only deal with small portions at a time. If the body has too much protein at one time, the body just eliminates the excess, providing no additional benefit.
Being a vegetarian, I’ve tried a whole lot of protein powders. Most are downright disgusting. I’ll admit I was skeptical before I tried lifewave’s powder. I believed it would be like all the others I had tried. I was completely wrong. This stuff tastes great! It dissolves completely, leaving behind no chunks to try to swallow. It doesn’t separate from the water its mixed with either. It’s made with natural ingredients that will aid in your weight loss instead of hinder it. It’s sweetened with stevia and has subtle hints of a vanilla flavor. Some people don’t like the taste of stevia, and I do understand why, but I assure you, it does Not taste like stevia. It’s very important that it’s not sweetened with sugar as sugar causes weight gain and decreases the functioning of the immune system.
meal replacement,
protein powder,
sp6 complete,
time released,
weight loss
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The SP6 Complete Weight Loss System: Maqui Juice Cocktail
We're continuing on with our exploration today of Lifewave's SP6 Complete system for weight loss. Today's topic is the maqui juice cocktail. I can say with complete honesty that I haven't tasted a better juice ever. So, here's the benefits of the juice:
This is a fabulous juice beverage that jump starts your weight loss. It’s mixed with the highest antioxidant berries on Earth that have long been known as superfoods. The juice contains maqui, acai, noni, mangosteen, and pomegranate fruits, which are all known for their antioxidant properties. The juice boosts the metabolism, supports digestive health, and hydrates the cells. All these things are important for weight loss. In addition, this juice helps to detoxify the body. Using it for the first two days in your weight loss plan starts your weight loss efforts quickly. Using it in lesser amounts throughout your whole program can help keep the weight loss going.
This is a fabulous juice beverage that jump starts your weight loss. It’s mixed with the highest antioxidant berries on Earth that have long been known as superfoods. The juice contains maqui, acai, noni, mangosteen, and pomegranate fruits, which are all known for their antioxidant properties. The juice boosts the metabolism, supports digestive health, and hydrates the cells. All these things are important for weight loss. In addition, this juice helps to detoxify the body. Using it for the first two days in your weight loss plan starts your weight loss efforts quickly. Using it in lesser amounts throughout your whole program can help keep the weight loss going.
maqui juice,
sp6 complete,
weight loss
Monday, December 13, 2010
The SP6 Complete Weight Loss System: Detox Supplements
In the last month, we've been exploring the various Lifewave products and becoming familiar with them. This week we're exploring Lifewave's SP6 Complete Program for weight loss. This program works very well, and many have been having success at it, including us. The first part of the program utilizes detoxification supplements. Here is some information about them:
These are supplements that assist the body in releasing the necessary toxins to lose weight. Most people don’t know that often times their weight loss efforts fail because of all the accumulated toxins in their system. We are exposed to toxins everyday, in the food we consume, the products we use, the water we drink, to the air that we breathe. The body has to deal with these toxins so they don’t harm us, but sometimes the toxins come in faster than the body can process them. When this happens, the body stores the toxins in our fat cells to prevent damage from happening in our bodies. This is when we gain weight. Getting rid of these toxins by detoxifying is an important component of any weight loss system. As the toxins and fat are eliminated, a heavy burden is placed on the liver to keep up with these changes. Detox 1 supports the liver. Detox 2 increases energy and supports fat burning. Both supplements work to get the toxins out.
For more information, visit us here or to purchase click here.
These are supplements that assist the body in releasing the necessary toxins to lose weight. Most people don’t know that often times their weight loss efforts fail because of all the accumulated toxins in their system. We are exposed to toxins everyday, in the food we consume, the products we use, the water we drink, to the air that we breathe. The body has to deal with these toxins so they don’t harm us, but sometimes the toxins come in faster than the body can process them. When this happens, the body stores the toxins in our fat cells to prevent damage from happening in our bodies. This is when we gain weight. Getting rid of these toxins by detoxifying is an important component of any weight loss system. As the toxins and fat are eliminated, a heavy burden is placed on the liver to keep up with these changes. Detox 1 supports the liver. Detox 2 increases energy and supports fat burning. Both supplements work to get the toxins out.
For more information, visit us here or to purchase click here.
detox 1,
detox 2,
detox supplements,
sp6 complete,
weight loss
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Best Anti-Aging Acupoints - Part 2
The following protocol employs Energy Enhancer patches to protect the body and maintain overall health. Apply one set of patches (WHITE on right, TAN on left). Apply patches in the morning and remove in the evening.
Anti-Aging Protocol for Energy Enhancer
Acupoint: Spleen 6
Location: About four finger widths above the inside ankle bone, on the tibia bone
Acupoint: Large Intestine 4
Location: In the web on the back of the hand, on the bone of the index finger, at the highest point of the soft tissue when making a loose fist
Acupoint: Kidney 1
Location: In the forefoot (approximately 1/3 the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel) in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones
Acupoint: Stomach 36
Location: In the depression 4 finger widths below the knee cap and 2 finger widths outside the bone
Acupoint: Triple Burner 23
Location: In the depression at the temple
*Apply a set of Energy Enhancer patches to this point in the evening
(on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) and remove in the morning.
Anti-Aging Protocol for Energy Enhancer
Acupoint: Spleen 6
Location: About four finger widths above the inside ankle bone, on the tibia bone
Acupoint: Large Intestine 4
Location: In the web on the back of the hand, on the bone of the index finger, at the highest point of the soft tissue when making a loose fist
Acupoint: Kidney 1
Location: In the forefoot (approximately 1/3 the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel) in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones
Acupoint: Stomach 36
Location: In the depression 4 finger widths below the knee cap and 2 finger widths outside the bone
Acupoint: Triple Burner 23
Location: In the depression at the temple
*Apply a set of Energy Enhancer patches to this point in the evening
(on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) and remove in the morning.
Energy Enhancer,
stomach 36,
triple burner 23
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Best Anti-Aging Acupoints - Part 1
Most people only think of acupuncture as a therapy for dealing with pain, while the anti-aging benefits of the modality are lesser known. The fact is there are a number of powerful anti-aging acupoints that can help you feel and look younger. Regular weekly stimulation of the following points with Energy Enhancer and Y-Age patches can help protect the body and maintain health:
Acupoint: Kidney 1 (K1)
Location: In the forefoot (approximately 1/3 the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel) in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones
Background: Indicated for returning energy and calming spirit; cleanses, clears stagnant energy, regenerates, and gives rebirth to energy
Acupoint: Spleen 6 (SP6)
Location: About four finger widths above the inside ankle bone, on the tibia bone
Background: Good for restoring and nourishing the blood and moisture (dehydration is often associated with aging), bringing strength to the whole body
Acupoint: Stomach 36 (ST36)
Location: In the depression 4 finger widths below the knee cap and 2 finger widths outside the bone
Background: Indicated for returning energy, and strengthens weak conditions
Acupoint: Large Intestine 4 (LI4)
Location: On the back of the hand, in the web, on the highest point of the soft tissue when a loose fist is made.
Background: Known as the "Great Eliminator," removing toxins from both body and mind
Acupoint: Triple Burner 23 (TB23)
Location: In the depression at the temple
Background: Brings Fire energy or warmth back to one's core. This has the opposite effect of aging, where the inner warmth often diminishes over time.
Acupoint: Kidney 1 (K1)
Location: In the forefoot (approximately 1/3 the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel) in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones
Background: Indicated for returning energy and calming spirit; cleanses, clears stagnant energy, regenerates, and gives rebirth to energy
Acupoint: Spleen 6 (SP6)
Location: About four finger widths above the inside ankle bone, on the tibia bone
Background: Good for restoring and nourishing the blood and moisture (dehydration is often associated with aging), bringing strength to the whole body
Acupoint: Stomach 36 (ST36)
Location: In the depression 4 finger widths below the knee cap and 2 finger widths outside the bone
Background: Indicated for returning energy, and strengthens weak conditions
Acupoint: Large Intestine 4 (LI4)
Location: On the back of the hand, in the web, on the highest point of the soft tissue when a loose fist is made.
Background: Known as the "Great Eliminator," removing toxins from both body and mind
Acupoint: Triple Burner 23 (TB23)
Location: In the depression at the temple
Background: Brings Fire energy or warmth back to one's core. This has the opposite effect of aging, where the inner warmth often diminishes over time.
Energy Enhancer,
Y Age
Friday, December 3, 2010
Lifewave's Homeopathic Sprays: SP6
We're concluding this week with Lifewave's last homeopathic spray. This is the SP6 spray. It's the appetite control and craving spray. While I can personally attest that the SP6 patches work excellently, this spray also provides added benefit. I spray it directly into my mouth.
Here's what this spray is useful for:
•Excess appetite
•Food cravings
•Empty feeling in stomach
•Night time hunger
•Weight gain due to slow metabolism
For more information, visit us here or to purchase click here.
Here's what this spray is useful for:
•Excess appetite
•Food cravings
•Empty feeling in stomach
•Night time hunger
•Weight gain due to slow metabolism
For more information, visit us here or to purchase click here.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Lifewave's Homeopathic Sprays: Y Age
The spray I'd like to introduce you to today is my favorite by far. This spray works for all sorts of things from sunburns, low energy, mosquito bites, and on the face for a nice toned look. It has even gotter rid of my blemishes. Whoo hoo. Spray this spray on the skin for most benefit, and be sure to wear with the Y Age patches because their effects are too powerful to miss out on.
Here's what the Y Age spray is useful for:
•Restful sleep
•Sense of well being
•Energy & strength
•Muscle tone
•Lean body mass
•Smoother skin
•Good on sunburns
•Useful for bug bites, especially mosquitoes
For more information, visit us here or to order click here.
Here's what the Y Age spray is useful for:
•Restful sleep
•Sense of well being
•Energy & strength
•Muscle tone
•Lean body mass
•Smoother skin
•Good on sunburns
•Useful for bug bites, especially mosquitoes
For more information, visit us here or to order click here.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Lifewave's Homeopathic Sprays: Silent Nights
Keeping in line with this week's topics, today we're discussing the Silent Nights homeopathic spray. This spray works great sprayed in your mouth before bed to help you fall asleep.
Here's what this spray is useful for:
- Inability to fall asleep
- Restlessness
- Tossing and turning
- Sleeplessness
- Light sleeping
- Overactive mind
- Tension/anxiety
- Nervous exhaustion
- Insomnia
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lifewave's Homeopathic Sprays: Icewave
Today we're discussing Lifewave's Icewave pain relief spray. This spray is worked best in conjunction with the patches in my opinion, but there are many people who experience relief just from using this spray on the skin alone.
Here's how this spray is useful:
•Arthritis related joint pain & inflammation
•General body aches, stiffness & soreness
•Swelling & bruising due to falls or blows
•Headaches due to stress, strain or illness
•Spasms & cramps due to strain or injury from overexertion
For more information, visit us here or to order click here.
Here's how this spray is useful:
•Arthritis related joint pain & inflammation
•General body aches, stiffness & soreness
•Swelling & bruising due to falls or blows
•Headaches due to stress, strain or illness
•Spasms & cramps due to strain or injury from overexertion
For more information, visit us here or to order click here.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Lifewave's Homeopathic Sprays: Energy Enhancer
This week we're exploring the homeopathic sprays available through Lifewave. The homeopathic sprays can be used in conjunction with the patches or simply by themselves. The sprays can be sprayed on the tongue or on the skin for relief of symptoms. The sprays are FDA approved and completely safe.
Today, we're discussing the Energy Enhancer spray. Here is what this spray is useful for:
•Muscle weakness
•Inability to fall asleep
•Loss of sleep
•Supports: energy production, breathing, and stamina
For more information, visit us here or to order click here.
Today, we're discussing the Energy Enhancer spray. Here is what this spray is useful for:
•Muscle weakness
•Inability to fall asleep
•Loss of sleep
•Supports: energy production, breathing, and stamina
For more information, visit us here or to order click here.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Professional Athletes Turning to Acupuncture
In the 2009 baseball season, New York Yankees pitcher A.J. Burnett played an integral role in his team's rise to a World Series Championship, and did so without missing a single inning due to injury. For an athlete whose reputation for landing on the injured list had (until then) overshadowed his considerable talent, this was remarkable.
Throughout this career, Burnett suffered from a ruptured ligament in his thumb, a bone bruise, a stress fracture in his right foot, a right shoulder strain, and a host of other injuries that could derail a pitcher's career. That all changed when Burnett discovered acupuncture. He credits the therapy with helping him stay healthy. Burnett states, "I found that I responded really well to the acupuncture, how that treated my body and my nerves, and the release of stress."
The trend isn't a new one. The use of acupuncture in professional sports has been growing for a while now. For instance, National Basketball Association (NBA) stars Yao Ming and Allan Houston have both reported turning to acupuncture treatment to help recover from injuries, as have National Football Association (NFL) standouts Steve Young and Jerry Rice. Many professional sports teams, (including the Yankees) now employ a staff acupuncturist to help them gain a competitive advantage.
Because LifeWave patches stimulate acupuncture points, they can serve the needs of athletes looking to gain the health benefits of acupuncture treatment. For instance, in the 2010 Olympics, a number of athletes from around the world incorporated LifeWave patches into their training programs, both to help them recover and to provide an edge during competition.
For more information on athletes using LifeWave, visit www.lifewave.com/inthenews.asp
Throughout this career, Burnett suffered from a ruptured ligament in his thumb, a bone bruise, a stress fracture in his right foot, a right shoulder strain, and a host of other injuries that could derail a pitcher's career. That all changed when Burnett discovered acupuncture. He credits the therapy with helping him stay healthy. Burnett states, "I found that I responded really well to the acupuncture, how that treated my body and my nerves, and the release of stress."
The trend isn't a new one. The use of acupuncture in professional sports has been growing for a while now. For instance, National Basketball Association (NBA) stars Yao Ming and Allan Houston have both reported turning to acupuncture treatment to help recover from injuries, as have National Football Association (NFL) standouts Steve Young and Jerry Rice. Many professional sports teams, (including the Yankees) now employ a staff acupuncturist to help them gain a competitive advantage.
Because LifeWave patches stimulate acupuncture points, they can serve the needs of athletes looking to gain the health benefits of acupuncture treatment. For instance, in the 2010 Olympics, a number of athletes from around the world incorporated LifeWave patches into their training programs, both to help them recover and to provide an edge during competition.
For more information on athletes using LifeWave, visit www.lifewave.com/inthenews.asp
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Ten Reasons I'm Thankful For Lifewave
Keeping in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is why I'm thankful for Lifewave. Lifewave has made a big difference in my life this year, and I feel thankful to be alive.
1) A shoulder blade pain I've had every day for six years resolved from the Icewave pain patches.
2) My energy used to be so low that I barely felt alive. Now, I get through my day without naps.
3) I used to not sleep well at night. I would have panic attacks related to going to bed. Now, i sleep well all night without waking, and I feel well rested in the morning.
4) I've used the SP6 Complete system for weight loss and I've lost 50 pounds. It feels wonderful!
5) With the SP6 patch, my cravings for certain foods are now manageable.
6) I'm having some of the best workouts of my life. I get through them while not feeling fatigued. I get more out of my workouts.
7) The glutathione patch has made my skin unbelievably smooth. I don't get sick very often anymore either.
8) Certain scars on my body have lessened since using the carnosine patch.
9) Blemishes that I've had since I was a teenager have cleared up. Having clear skin is extremely exciting.
10) The X 15 patch is the best of them all and it comes out in January! I can't wait!
1) A shoulder blade pain I've had every day for six years resolved from the Icewave pain patches.
2) My energy used to be so low that I barely felt alive. Now, I get through my day without naps.
3) I used to not sleep well at night. I would have panic attacks related to going to bed. Now, i sleep well all night without waking, and I feel well rested in the morning.
4) I've used the SP6 Complete system for weight loss and I've lost 50 pounds. It feels wonderful!
5) With the SP6 patch, my cravings for certain foods are now manageable.
6) I'm having some of the best workouts of my life. I get through them while not feeling fatigued. I get more out of my workouts.
7) The glutathione patch has made my skin unbelievably smooth. I don't get sick very often anymore either.
8) Certain scars on my body have lessened since using the carnosine patch.
9) Blemishes that I've had since I was a teenager have cleared up. Having clear skin is extremely exciting.
10) The X 15 patch is the best of them all and it comes out in January! I can't wait!
chronic pain,
panic attacks,
shoulder blade pain,
sp6 complete,
weight loss,
X 15
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
New Icewave Study Completed
A new LifeWave study shows that the application of IceWave patches has an important and almost immediate effect on muscular contractions and tensions, thereby reducing associated pain. The study used a device called an NM4 Gauge to detect changes in muscular potential. In addition, patients were asked to provide a subjective account of perceived change in pain.
A casual sampling of 38 patients taken from among the total of 117 subjects showed perceived pain was reduced by half on average after application of the IceWave patches! The results of the study are significant in that they demonstrate a mechanical improvement in the body in response to IceWave patches.
Professor Bruno Brandimarte was among the study’s lead researchers. Professor Brandimarte is a well-published researcher in the field of applied biophysics and a pioneer in the field of magneto-biology. He is Director of the Master Program for Physical Means in Coordination with Pharmacology at L’Aquila University in L’Aquila, Italy; a professor in the Pathology Medicine Department at La Sapienza University in Rome; and a professor of Applied Biophysics at the International Foundation Fatebenefratelli in Milan.
For a detailed write-up of the study, please click here.
A casual sampling of 38 patients taken from among the total of 117 subjects showed perceived pain was reduced by half on average after application of the IceWave patches! The results of the study are significant in that they demonstrate a mechanical improvement in the body in response to IceWave patches.
Professor Bruno Brandimarte was among the study’s lead researchers. Professor Brandimarte is a well-published researcher in the field of applied biophysics and a pioneer in the field of magneto-biology. He is Director of the Master Program for Physical Means in Coordination with Pharmacology at L’Aquila University in L’Aquila, Italy; a professor in the Pathology Medicine Department at La Sapienza University in Rome; and a professor of Applied Biophysics at the International Foundation Fatebenefratelli in Milan.
For a detailed write-up of the study, please click here.
Monday, November 22, 2010
A Message From Our Health and Science Director
Dear LifeWave Family Members,
Chronic pain is a major health issue, affecting more than 750 million people worldwide. To put it in perspective that’s greater than all the people suffering from heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined. So this is a significant problem. After six years of customer use and dozens of studies, we know that our IceWave patches are an effective means of controlling chronic pain. The question is: how can you get maximum results from IceWave? This is something I get asked a lot and so I’d like to share some tips with you.
IceWave is very easy to use. The patches come in a set of two, a brown patch (negative) and white patch (positive). Place the tan patch on the source of pain and place the white patch a few inches above the tan. Initially, I recommended taping the white patch on as opposed to removing the adhesive backing. If you don’t find pain relief after 10-15 seconds move it to the right, then below and then left, repeating the process. This is nothing new to most of you. It’s the cross method and you are probably already familiar with it.
But, I will tell you something you might not know and something that has helped me get results with IceWave. You need to be persistent. If you do not achieve pain relief with the above method, take another step. Move the white patches out a few inches and start the process again. There have been times when I’ve moved the white patch 15 to 20 times before achieving results. But when you do hit on that one spot that gives pain relief, it can be quite dramatic.
This is the simplest technique for using IceWave patches. Another, more advanced, method involves placing the patches on acupuncture points. You don’t have to be an acupuncturist to do this. Simply look at an acupuncture meridian chart (you can find one online), find a meridian that runs through the pain and place one patch on an acupuncture point above the pain and the other patch on an acupuncture point below the painful area.
Finally, a third technique you can use is the bracketing method, a technique in which you bracket the pain by placing the patches to the right and left, above and below or diagonally. You may find that you need to move the patches anywhere from one to 12 inches away from each other before you strike on an effective placement.
Now, keep in mind that in order for any of the above techniques to be effective, the subject must be hydrated. As we have worked with this technology over the years, we have found that hydration is the most important and critical factor in determining whether a person is going to respond to the patches.
So, there are many strategies you can use with IceWave. Our brochures and websites will help you work through these. But the thing to keep in mind is that you want to be persistent. If you are, you will find that you can get most people out of pain.
Steven Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
Chronic pain is a major health issue, affecting more than 750 million people worldwide. To put it in perspective that’s greater than all the people suffering from heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined. So this is a significant problem. After six years of customer use and dozens of studies, we know that our IceWave patches are an effective means of controlling chronic pain. The question is: how can you get maximum results from IceWave? This is something I get asked a lot and so I’d like to share some tips with you.
IceWave is very easy to use. The patches come in a set of two, a brown patch (negative) and white patch (positive). Place the tan patch on the source of pain and place the white patch a few inches above the tan. Initially, I recommended taping the white patch on as opposed to removing the adhesive backing. If you don’t find pain relief after 10-15 seconds move it to the right, then below and then left, repeating the process. This is nothing new to most of you. It’s the cross method and you are probably already familiar with it.
But, I will tell you something you might not know and something that has helped me get results with IceWave. You need to be persistent. If you do not achieve pain relief with the above method, take another step. Move the white patches out a few inches and start the process again. There have been times when I’ve moved the white patch 15 to 20 times before achieving results. But when you do hit on that one spot that gives pain relief, it can be quite dramatic.
This is the simplest technique for using IceWave patches. Another, more advanced, method involves placing the patches on acupuncture points. You don’t have to be an acupuncturist to do this. Simply look at an acupuncture meridian chart (you can find one online), find a meridian that runs through the pain and place one patch on an acupuncture point above the pain and the other patch on an acupuncture point below the painful area.
Finally, a third technique you can use is the bracketing method, a technique in which you bracket the pain by placing the patches to the right and left, above and below or diagonally. You may find that you need to move the patches anywhere from one to 12 inches away from each other before you strike on an effective placement.
Now, keep in mind that in order for any of the above techniques to be effective, the subject must be hydrated. As we have worked with this technology over the years, we have found that hydration is the most important and critical factor in determining whether a person is going to respond to the patches.
So, there are many strategies you can use with IceWave. Our brochures and websites will help you work through these. But the thing to keep in mind is that you want to be persistent. If you are, you will find that you can get most people out of pain.
Steven Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
chronic pain,
pain patches,
Steven Haltiwanger
Friday, November 19, 2010
Studies on New Anti-Aging Patch Show Impressive Results
In January 2011, LifeWave will launch its newest anti-aging patch, the X-15 patch. "X-15" is a code name we have given to this patch; the actual product name will be released in January. In preparing for the product launch, LifeWave has already completed six initial clinical studies to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of this new product.
Here is an abstract from one of the recently completed studies:
Study Title: X-15 Patch Improves Cellular Physiologic Functional Status of Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, Intestines, Hypothalamus, Adrenal and Thyroid Glands
This study examines the effects of the X-15 patch on 10 different organs to test the following hypothesis: The X-15 patch worn 12 hours/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks significantly improves cellular physiologic functional status in all organs.
Data was collected using an Electro Interstitial Scanning (EIS) System, which measures bioelectrical impedance. The subjects were divided into two groups - one wearing the patch for five days per week (M-F) and a comparison group who wore the patch three days per week (MWF).
Overall, all organs except the pituitary gland achieved significant cellular physiologic functional status improvement compared to baseline with an average statistical power of at least 80% and the hypothesis was accepted as true.
Look for more information on X-15 in the near future!
Here is an abstract from one of the recently completed studies:
Study Title: X-15 Patch Improves Cellular Physiologic Functional Status of Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, Intestines, Hypothalamus, Adrenal and Thyroid Glands
This study examines the effects of the X-15 patch on 10 different organs to test the following hypothesis: The X-15 patch worn 12 hours/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks significantly improves cellular physiologic functional status in all organs.
Data was collected using an Electro Interstitial Scanning (EIS) System, which measures bioelectrical impedance. The subjects were divided into two groups - one wearing the patch for five days per week (M-F) and a comparison group who wore the patch three days per week (MWF).
Overall, all organs except the pituitary gland achieved significant cellular physiologic functional status improvement compared to baseline with an average statistical power of at least 80% and the hypothesis was accepted as true.
Look for more information on X-15 in the near future!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
US Bobsledder Steve Langton Gains Competitive Edge with LifeWave
World class athletes from around the world have discovered that LifeWave patches are a safe and natural way to improve performance. US Bobsledder Steve Langton is among them.
Langton was first introduced to LifeWave at the Cutting Edge Athlete Program, a training series led by LifeWave distributor Dr. Karen Kan, M.D. at the Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid, NY. The goal of the program is to instruct athletes on ways they can maximize their energy while minimizing energy loss.
Since then, Langton has relied on LifeWave patches to gain an advantage over the rest of the field at the highest levels of competition:
"I religiously used LifeWave Energy Enhance patches throughout the 2009-10 World Cup season and through the two weeks of competition in Vancouver, during the Olympic Games. While using LifeWave patches I felt healthy, my energy levels
were high and I felt an enhanced sense of awareness. I recommend LifeWave to
any serious athlete looking for an edge in their particular sport."
To read more about top level athletes who have benefitted from LifeWave products,
please visit: www.lifewave.com/inthenews.asp
Langton was first introduced to LifeWave at the Cutting Edge Athlete Program, a training series led by LifeWave distributor Dr. Karen Kan, M.D. at the Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid, NY. The goal of the program is to instruct athletes on ways they can maximize their energy while minimizing energy loss.
Since then, Langton has relied on LifeWave patches to gain an advantage over the rest of the field at the highest levels of competition:
"I religiously used LifeWave Energy Enhance patches throughout the 2009-10 World Cup season and through the two weeks of competition in Vancouver, during the Olympic Games. While using LifeWave patches I felt healthy, my energy levels
were high and I felt an enhanced sense of awareness. I recommend LifeWave to
any serious athlete looking for an edge in their particular sport."
To read more about top level athletes who have benefitted from LifeWave products,
please visit: www.lifewave.com/inthenews.asp
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Analgesic Medications Put Stress on the Body, Lower Glutathione
What do most people do when they feel a little pain or discomfort? That's right- they reach right for the painkillers; Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen. As a society, we consume these powerful and often dangerous chemicals as if they were candy. I mean, it's just Tylenol, right?
Wrong. Every medication, even Tylenol, has a toxic effect on the body and a list of side effects out the window. Analgesic medications put undue amounts of stress and strain on the body as the body has to filter out these toxins. This can take the place of other vital functions the body needs to perform.
Something that is not known by the general public about painkillers is that they lower levels of glutathione in the body. Why is this important? Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. We need these levels to stay high t detoxify our bodies, slow aging, improve the quality of our skin, and keep our immune systems operating at peak function. Glutathione is way more important than eliminating a temporary pain.
It's not wrong to want relief though, which is why the Icewave patches are so exciting. They can relieve almost any pain frequently within mere minutes. They don;t contain any harmful drugs. In fact, we've never even had one side effect associated with their use.
Stop putting junk into your body. Want pain relief? It's time to try something new.
You can find more information here.
Wrong. Every medication, even Tylenol, has a toxic effect on the body and a list of side effects out the window. Analgesic medications put undue amounts of stress and strain on the body as the body has to filter out these toxins. This can take the place of other vital functions the body needs to perform.
Something that is not known by the general public about painkillers is that they lower levels of glutathione in the body. Why is this important? Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. We need these levels to stay high t detoxify our bodies, slow aging, improve the quality of our skin, and keep our immune systems operating at peak function. Glutathione is way more important than eliminating a temporary pain.
It's not wrong to want relief though, which is why the Icewave patches are so exciting. They can relieve almost any pain frequently within mere minutes. They don;t contain any harmful drugs. In fact, we've never even had one side effect associated with their use.
Stop putting junk into your body. Want pain relief? It's time to try something new.
You can find more information here.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
LifeWave Announces New Member Training!
Are you new to LifeWave? Do you need help getting new members of your downline up to speed on the ins and outs of the LifeWave business?
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new webinar training program that will guide new members through the first steps of setting up their LifeWave business. The training sessions will be based on the LifeWave Welcome Guide (which can be downloaded from the New Member Information section of your Back Office).
Here’s a sampling of the questions that will be answered during the session:
How do I log into and use my Back Office?
What is Autoship and how do I get on it?
Where can I go for support and training?
Where do I go to learn about LifeWave products?
How do I get involved in the LifeWave community?
Each training session will run about 1.5 hours and will be led by experienced customer service representatives. We are currently supporting four languages for this training – English, Italian, Spanish and French and hope to add new languages in the future. Each language will be offered at two different times every week on the following schedule:
Language Days Time Time Zone
English Mondays and Fridays 6:00 PM US/Pacific
Italian Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30 PM CEST
Spanish Wednesdays and Fridays 7:00 PM CEST
French Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 PM CEST
The first sessions are scheduled to begin the week of October 25!
To register, visit www.lifewavetraining.com/news/?page_id=1105
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new webinar training program that will guide new members through the first steps of setting up their LifeWave business. The training sessions will be based on the LifeWave Welcome Guide (which can be downloaded from the New Member Information section of your Back Office).
Here’s a sampling of the questions that will be answered during the session:
How do I log into and use my Back Office?
What is Autoship and how do I get on it?
Where can I go for support and training?
Where do I go to learn about LifeWave products?
How do I get involved in the LifeWave community?
Each training session will run about 1.5 hours and will be led by experienced customer service representatives. We are currently supporting four languages for this training – English, Italian, Spanish and French and hope to add new languages in the future. Each language will be offered at two different times every week on the following schedule:
Language Days Time Time Zone
English Mondays and Fridays 6:00 PM US/Pacific
Italian Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30 PM CEST
Spanish Wednesdays and Fridays 7:00 PM CEST
French Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 PM CEST
The first sessions are scheduled to begin the week of October 25!
To register, visit www.lifewavetraining.com/news/?page_id=1105
back office,
new member training,
Monday, November 15, 2010
Updated LifeWave Welcome Manual Now Available for Download
Need help getting new members of your down line up and running quickly?
Refer them to the LifeWave Welcome Manual: Starting Smart. This easy-to-follow manual guides distributors through the first 10 steps of launching their business, providing answers to the most asked questions from new distributors. Topics covered include using the Back Office, the compensation plan and Autoship (among others). Live links throughout the manual allow users to jump to important online resources quickly.
The manual is available for download from your Back Office. Log in and click on New Member Information on the left.
Refer them to the LifeWave Welcome Manual: Starting Smart. This easy-to-follow manual guides distributors through the first 10 steps of launching their business, providing answers to the most asked questions from new distributors. Topics covered include using the Back Office, the compensation plan and Autoship (among others). Live links throughout the manual allow users to jump to important online resources quickly.
The manual is available for download from your Back Office. Log in and click on New Member Information on the left.
welcome manual
Friday, November 12, 2010
Study Finds Obesity Increases Cancer Death Risk
A study released in June of this year reveals that obesity leads to an increased cancer death risk in the Asia-Pacific region. The study compared the risk of dying from cancer between normal weight and obese individuals in the region. After analyzing data from 424,500 adults in Asia, Australia and New Zealand, researchers found that obese individuals were 21 percent more likely to die from cancer.
The study was published in the June 29 issue of The Lancet Oncology. To access the article, please visit: www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(10)70148-0/fulltext (free registration required).
Our SP6 Complete patches and weight loss system* are designed to help you take a comprehensive approach to weight loss. Visit www.SP6Complete.com for more information on the system and appetite control patch.
*Please note: SP6 Complete system available in US only.
The study was published in the June 29 issue of The Lancet Oncology. To access the article, please visit: www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(10)70148-0/fulltext (free registration required).
Our SP6 Complete patches and weight loss system* are designed to help you take a comprehensive approach to weight loss. Visit www.SP6Complete.com for more information on the system and appetite control patch.
*Please note: SP6 Complete system available in US only.
research study,
sp6 complete
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Lifewave.com now available in Japanese
As part of our ongoing effort to give our members around the world full access to LifeWave resources, the LifeWave website has just been launched in Japanese.
The LifeWave website is a valuable resource, providing information on:
Earlier this year, we launched LifeWave.com in Simplified Chinese and added multiple other languages to the LifeWave Training website. We look forward to adding LifeWave resources in even more languages in the future to support our international members.
For the Japanese version of LifeWave.com, please visit:
- LifeWave products and brochures
- The latest LifeWave videos
- News articles featuring LifeWave
- LifeWave endorsers
- Testimonials
- The LifeWave business opportunity
learn about Lifewave,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Message From Dr. Dean Clark Regarding the X 15 Patch
As we prepare for the launch of the X-15 patch, I thought this would be a good time to share some of my experiences with this remarkable new product with you. I am so excited about the launch of X-15, as I have found this product to be more effective than any other I have seen in dealing with a diverse set of problems.
Last spring, I conducted a 25-person pilot study to explore the effects of the X-15 patches using Medical Infrared Imaging. That study included subjects with various issues. For instance, one individual had dealt with pain in a thumb that was injured during military service for 28 years. After just three days of patch use, swelling was significantly diminished and the joint was restored to full function.
Another subject with a sleep disorder was able to get a good night’s sleep for the first time in 12 years with use of X-15. None of the other products in the marketplace that have been developed specifically to deal with this issue had helped her. She is very much looking forward to the X-15 release date!
In yet another case, the subject was experiencing a chronic skin disorder which was accompanied by a scaly, itchy rash. After five days of patch use, there was about a 90 percent improvement in the skin. No other solutions, including a number of pharmaceutical and topical products, had come close to alleviating the discomfort from this skin disorder.
The primary findings from this pilot study were that the X-15 patch offered pain relief and energy as well as a variety of other benefits. I think what is interesting in these cases is the diversity of symptoms that X-15 seemed to help. Ultimately, X-15 provides benefits that are complementary to our other products, and we are finding that this patch enhances the effects of IceWave and Energy Enhancer. I am continually delighted to see the often unpredictable improvement in people’s health because of this product, regardless of the issues they are having, and I am looking forward to exploring the effects of this patch for many years to come.
Last spring, I conducted a 25-person pilot study to explore the effects of the X-15 patches using Medical Infrared Imaging. That study included subjects with various issues. For instance, one individual had dealt with pain in a thumb that was injured during military service for 28 years. After just three days of patch use, swelling was significantly diminished and the joint was restored to full function.
Another subject with a sleep disorder was able to get a good night’s sleep for the first time in 12 years with use of X-15. None of the other products in the marketplace that have been developed specifically to deal with this issue had helped her. She is very much looking forward to the X-15 release date!
In yet another case, the subject was experiencing a chronic skin disorder which was accompanied by a scaly, itchy rash. After five days of patch use, there was about a 90 percent improvement in the skin. No other solutions, including a number of pharmaceutical and topical products, had come close to alleviating the discomfort from this skin disorder.
The primary findings from this pilot study were that the X-15 patch offered pain relief and energy as well as a variety of other benefits. I think what is interesting in these cases is the diversity of symptoms that X-15 seemed to help. Ultimately, X-15 provides benefits that are complementary to our other products, and we are finding that this patch enhances the effects of IceWave and Energy Enhancer. I am continually delighted to see the often unpredictable improvement in people’s health because of this product, regardless of the issues they are having, and I am looking forward to exploring the effects of this patch for many years to come.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Attention Distributors: November's Promo is Here!
Hi Team,
Get Ready for a New You in the New Year!
Elevate antioxidant levels, detoxify your body, and supercharge your immune system – all in time for the New Year and the launch of the new X-15 patch!
From November 1 through January 2 you can take advantage of promotional pricing on a special combination package of Y-Age Glutathione and Y-Age Carnosine – including 30 patches of each product – for $99.95. The regular pricing for these items would be $119.90. In addition, you will receive 100 Business Volume (BV) points for this promotional package!
This is the perfect opportunity to use Y-Age to release stored toxins in order to reap maximum benefits from the new X-15 patch, which will be launched on January 7, 2011. X-15 provides its own unique detoxification pathways and anti-aging benefits. Anecdotal evidence from our X-15 focus group study suggests that detoxifying with the Y-Age products might better prepare a user to deal with the detoxification effects of X-15.
Although many people do experience benefits from our Y-Age patches within the first week of use - such as detoxification - as this is an anti-aging system, we recommend using these products for at least 90 days to see more complete benefits.
Check your back office for more information!
Get Ready for a New You in the New Year!
Elevate antioxidant levels, detoxify your body, and supercharge your immune system – all in time for the New Year and the launch of the new X-15 patch!
From November 1 through January 2 you can take advantage of promotional pricing on a special combination package of Y-Age Glutathione and Y-Age Carnosine – including 30 patches of each product – for $99.95. The regular pricing for these items would be $119.90. In addition, you will receive 100 Business Volume (BV) points for this promotional package!
This is the perfect opportunity to use Y-Age to release stored toxins in order to reap maximum benefits from the new X-15 patch, which will be launched on January 7, 2011. X-15 provides its own unique detoxification pathways and anti-aging benefits. Anecdotal evidence from our X-15 focus group study suggests that detoxifying with the Y-Age products might better prepare a user to deal with the detoxification effects of X-15.
Although many people do experience benefits from our Y-Age patches within the first week of use - such as detoxification - as this is an anti-aging system, we recommend using these products for at least 90 days to see more complete benefits.
Check your back office for more information!
November promo,
X 15 patch,
Y Age
Monday, November 8, 2010
Suzanne Somers Hits the Big Screen with her Breakthrough Tour
LifeWave Ambassador Suzanne Somers will bring her engaging lecture on aging and wellness to movie theatres across the United States on November 4 and November 9!
In her Breakthrough Tour movie event, Suzanne delivers vital information about anti-aging, bio-identical hormones and cutting-edge cancer treatments to a wide audience of moviegoers. She also shares the daily steps she takes to stay vibrant, healthy and free of toxins – all in her honest, witty and often humorous style. In detailing her health program, Suzanne talks about LifeWave patches, and we are very excited about the great exposure this will garner for LifeWave!
This movie event is the next best thing to hearing Suzanne speak in person!
For more information and to buy tickets please visit:
In her Breakthrough Tour movie event, Suzanne delivers vital information about anti-aging, bio-identical hormones and cutting-edge cancer treatments to a wide audience of moviegoers. She also shares the daily steps she takes to stay vibrant, healthy and free of toxins – all in her honest, witty and often humorous style. In detailing her health program, Suzanne talks about LifeWave patches, and we are very excited about the great exposure this will garner for LifeWave!
This movie event is the next best thing to hearing Suzanne speak in person!
For more information and to buy tickets please visit:
Lifewave patches,
Suzanne Somers,
Friday, November 5, 2010
Exploring The Lifewave Patches: SP6 (Weight Loss)
Today we're discussing the last Lifewave patch. The sixth Lifewave patch is the SP6. This is the craving and appetite control patch.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed the stomach, spleen, and heart are weak on energy when the appetite becomes affected. The patch helps to balance the energy to these organs.
When cravings and appetite are eliminated, weight loss happens much more easily. Cravings and appetite are often why it's hard for people to stick to their weight loss plan.
I can testify that this patch works wonders. I was craving tartar sauce the first time I used this patch. My craving was bad, yet in only five minutes, it was gone. This has allowed me to stick with my healthy eating plan and I've lost 50 pounds. It feels great!
For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed the stomach, spleen, and heart are weak on energy when the appetite becomes affected. The patch helps to balance the energy to these organs.
When cravings and appetite are eliminated, weight loss happens much more easily. Cravings and appetite are often why it's hard for people to stick to their weight loss plan.
I can testify that this patch works wonders. I was craving tartar sauce the first time I used this patch. My craving was bad, yet in only five minutes, it was gone. This has allowed me to stick with my healthy eating plan and I've lost 50 pounds. It feels great!
For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.
appetite control,
over active appetite,
SP6 patch,
weight loss
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Exploring The Lifewave Patches: Y Age
So what on Earth are the Y Age patches? So far, we have explored patches that can increase your energy, eliminate your pain, and give you the best sleep of your life. This is no easy feat, yet there are two other patches that do even more.
The Y Age patches are actually two different patches that have different purposes. The first patch is the glutathione patch. This patch increases the level of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. It helps the body detoxify, slows aging, improves health, and increases the effectiveness of other antioxidants. If you could supplement with only one antioxidant, glutathione would be it, yet it's hard to supplement with because our stomach acid destroys it. Studies on this patch have shown it increases glutathione levels in the body by 300%, and the best part if it's the body's own glutathione.
The second patch is the carnosine patch. It helps repair old cells, lessen the appearance of scars, heal wounds faster, and improve athletic performance. This antioxidant has often been referred to as the fountain of youth.
Both of these patches come in one pack of patches. The package will last for one month. The patches should be rotated each day, so one day you'll wear the glutathione patch and the next, carnosine. The patches also improve the quality of the skin, decreasing wrinkles, eliminating breakouts, and increasing the softness of the skin.
For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.
The Y Age patches are actually two different patches that have different purposes. The first patch is the glutathione patch. This patch increases the level of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. It helps the body detoxify, slows aging, improves health, and increases the effectiveness of other antioxidants. If you could supplement with only one antioxidant, glutathione would be it, yet it's hard to supplement with because our stomach acid destroys it. Studies on this patch have shown it increases glutathione levels in the body by 300%, and the best part if it's the body's own glutathione.
The second patch is the carnosine patch. It helps repair old cells, lessen the appearance of scars, heal wounds faster, and improve athletic performance. This antioxidant has often been referred to as the fountain of youth.
Both of these patches come in one pack of patches. The package will last for one month. The patches should be rotated each day, so one day you'll wear the glutathione patch and the next, carnosine. The patches also improve the quality of the skin, decreasing wrinkles, eliminating breakouts, and increasing the softness of the skin.
For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.
carnosine patch,
glutathione patch,
Y Age
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Exploring The Lifewave Patches: Silent Nights
Silent Nights is Lifewave's sleep patch. The sleep patch works miracles for those having trouble sleeping at night.
The patch works by sending a signal to increase the body's melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for aiding in our sleep as well as being a powerful antioxidant and functioning as a hormone. Melatonin is thought to be a very special antioxidant because it can actually go into the nucleus of our cells and repair damaged DNA. This is a really awesome ability. This is also why we detoxify and our bodies repair themselves the most at night.
When we are unable to sleep properly, our bodies cannot repair properly. This leaves us wornout, and we get sick more often. Interestingly, many people report an increase in dreams when they begin using the patch. This is because they are now getting deeper sleep.
The Silent Nights patch can help with:
Not sleeping at night can be a dangerous problem for many reasons. Sleep aids, such as medications do not induce a reparative level of sleep, and they come with harmful side effects. The sleep patch is non-drug and side effect free.
For more information, please visit us here or click here to purchase.
The patch works by sending a signal to increase the body's melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for aiding in our sleep as well as being a powerful antioxidant and functioning as a hormone. Melatonin is thought to be a very special antioxidant because it can actually go into the nucleus of our cells and repair damaged DNA. This is a really awesome ability. This is also why we detoxify and our bodies repair themselves the most at night.
When we are unable to sleep properly, our bodies cannot repair properly. This leaves us wornout, and we get sick more often. Interestingly, many people report an increase in dreams when they begin using the patch. This is because they are now getting deeper sleep.
The Silent Nights patch can help with:
- trouble falling asleep
- nightwaking
- trouble getting back to sleep after nightwaking
- feeling unrested upon awaking in the morning
- trouble turning thoughts off at night before sleep
Not sleeping at night can be a dangerous problem for many reasons. Sleep aids, such as medications do not induce a reparative level of sleep, and they come with harmful side effects. The sleep patch is non-drug and side effect free.
For more information, please visit us here or click here to purchase.
Silent Nights,
sleep patch,
sleep patches
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Exploring the Lifewave Patches: Icewave (Pain Patches)
The second Lifewave patch we're going to explore is the Icewave patches. These are the patches that give immediate pain relief for all sorts of pains, usually within 10 seconds.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, pain is considered blocked energy. If the energy can become unblocked, the pain can go away. This is why acupuncture is often very effective at relieving pain. The Icewave pain patches work very similarly to acupuncture since they communicate with the subtle energy system of the body.
Like the Energy Enhancer patches, the Icewave pain patches work in pairs of two. The tan patch goes on the pain and the white patch goes either on the sternum or at a point of relief around the tan patch. A detailed brochure comes with every patch purchase, however, sometimes patching for certain areas of pain can be tricky. The key is not to give up and utilize our help.
Obviously, the patches can help with all types of pain. If you're in having any sort of pain, we understand how debilitating pain can be. There's really nothing to lose because the patches come with a 30 day guarantee, so why not give them a try.
For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, pain is considered blocked energy. If the energy can become unblocked, the pain can go away. This is why acupuncture is often very effective at relieving pain. The Icewave pain patches work very similarly to acupuncture since they communicate with the subtle energy system of the body.
Like the Energy Enhancer patches, the Icewave pain patches work in pairs of two. The tan patch goes on the pain and the white patch goes either on the sternum or at a point of relief around the tan patch. A detailed brochure comes with every patch purchase, however, sometimes patching for certain areas of pain can be tricky. The key is not to give up and utilize our help.
- knee pain
- foot pain
- neck pain
- back pain
- ligament pain
- joint pain
- stiffness
- inflammation
- muscle pain
- cuts and scrapes
- headaches
- migraines
- sprains
- tendon pain
- and more
Obviously, the patches can help with all types of pain. If you're in having any sort of pain, we understand how debilitating pain can be. There's really nothing to lose because the patches come with a 30 day guarantee, so why not give them a try.
For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.
chronic pain,
get rid of pain,
pain patches
Monday, November 1, 2010
Exploring the Lifewave Patches: The Energy Enhancer Patch
This week we're excited to explore the six different Lifewave patches. Today we're starting with the Energy Enhancer patch.
The Energy Enhancer patch was the first patch created by Lifewave. The patch works specifically by sending an energy signal to the cells of the body. The cells then use fat for fuel instead of sugar. This is a much more efficient way to obtain energy, yet our body doesn't always do this. This is how the patches can give all-day, steady energy.
The patches can be used:
The patches can be used in all different types of information, but the bottom line is if you're feeling fatigued and low on energy day in and day out, then these patches can give you your life back.
The Energy Enhancer patches use two patches at one time: a tan patch and a white patch. There are detailed patching instructions in the brochure included with each order. As always, we are available to help with patch placement. blitzthewave@gmail.com
You can check out more about the product here or you can order here.
The Energy Enhancer patch was the first patch created by Lifewave. The patch works specifically by sending an energy signal to the cells of the body. The cells then use fat for fuel instead of sugar. This is a much more efficient way to obtain energy, yet our body doesn't always do this. This is how the patches can give all-day, steady energy.
The patches can be used:
instead of a morning coffee
- instead of stimulants
- for fatigue
- during exercise
- for improved athletic performance
- to burn 22% more fat per day
- for pulling an "all-nighter" of studying
The patches can be used in all different types of information, but the bottom line is if you're feeling fatigued and low on energy day in and day out, then these patches can give you your life back.
The Energy Enhancer patches use two patches at one time: a tan patch and a white patch. There are detailed patching instructions in the brochure included with each order. As always, we are available to help with patch placement. blitzthewave@gmail.com
You can check out more about the product here or you can order here.
Energy Enhancer,
energy patch,
energy patches
Friday, October 29, 2010
Valuable Insight Gained at LifeWave Research Summit
Lifewave members recently received an update on the insight gained at a research summit hosted by Lifewave to determine where the research is headed on their products. I have posted this update here because I think it is important for nonmembers to also be aware of the importance of research to Lifewave as a company.
On July 10, LifeWave researchers from around the United States gathered in San Diego, California for the LifeWave Research Summit. The goal of the event was to provide a forum for collaboration and ultimately establish the framework for future LifeWave research efforts. By all accounts, this breakthrough event was an overwhelming success!
After opening remarks by LifeWave corporate staff, including LifeWave Founder & CEO David Schmidt, Dr. Steven Haltiwanger and Dr. Dean Clark, a number of researchers were asked to present findings from LifeWave studies of significance.
“Our Research Summit presenters all have deep experience and knowledge in their areas of expertise,” said Dr. Haltiwanger. “Each one brings a unique perspective to the table.”
Dr. Sherry Blake-Greenberg presented findings from studies on the effects of the Glutathione, SP6, Carnosine and new X-15 patches on functional organ status, as measured by the Electro Interstitial Scanning (EIS) system. Dr. Greenberg holds doctorates in Homeopathy, Psychotherapy, and Naturopathy.
Dr. Thomas Budzynski provided an overview of his studies, which examine Acuscope, Biofeedback and Heart Rate Variability measurements for various patches. Dr. Budzynski, who is a psychologist and pioneer in the field of biofeedback, will be incorporating what he has learned into future, larger scale Lifewave studies.
Mr. Michael Collins presented his findings from an innovative in-progress study on the effects of Glutathione & Energy Enhancer patches on brain activity. Mr. Collins is a Neurofeedback Clinician. His primary area of interest is in using neurofeedback for relaxation and performance enhancement.
Dr. Karl Maret presented his findings on three LifeWave studies conducted in collaboration with the California Institute of Human Science which focused on how the patches impact biophoton emission and meridian activity. Dr. Maret is a Medical Doctor and also holds a Masters in Engineering. He specializes in complementary medical modalities, functional medicine and energy medicine.
Dr. Homer Nazeran has conducted study analysis for a number of LifeWave studies. He compared various studies, discussing his methods for identifying trends and study design, and made recommendations for the structure of future studies. Dr. Nazeran is an associate professor at the University of Texas, El Paso and holds a doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering.
Dr. Thornton Streeter, Founding Director of the Centre for Biofield Sciences Centre in India, presented his studies examining the effects of the IceWave and Energy Enhancer patches on the human energy field. Dr. Streeter is an expert in Human Biofield research, with more than 15 years’ experience in this specialty.
Dr. Lisa Tully discussed her findings from a LifeWave recent study showing increased blood Glutathione levels after use of the Glutathione patch. Dr. Tully holds a doctorate in Pharmacology and Toxicology and is primarily focused on integrative medicine.
On July 10, LifeWave researchers from around the United States gathered in San Diego, California for the LifeWave Research Summit. The goal of the event was to provide a forum for collaboration and ultimately establish the framework for future LifeWave research efforts. By all accounts, this breakthrough event was an overwhelming success!
After opening remarks by LifeWave corporate staff, including LifeWave Founder & CEO David Schmidt, Dr. Steven Haltiwanger and Dr. Dean Clark, a number of researchers were asked to present findings from LifeWave studies of significance.
“Our Research Summit presenters all have deep experience and knowledge in their areas of expertise,” said Dr. Haltiwanger. “Each one brings a unique perspective to the table.”
Dr. Sherry Blake-Greenberg presented findings from studies on the effects of the Glutathione, SP6, Carnosine and new X-15 patches on functional organ status, as measured by the Electro Interstitial Scanning (EIS) system. Dr. Greenberg holds doctorates in Homeopathy, Psychotherapy, and Naturopathy.
Dr. Thomas Budzynski provided an overview of his studies, which examine Acuscope, Biofeedback and Heart Rate Variability measurements for various patches. Dr. Budzynski, who is a psychologist and pioneer in the field of biofeedback, will be incorporating what he has learned into future, larger scale Lifewave studies.
Mr. Michael Collins presented his findings from an innovative in-progress study on the effects of Glutathione & Energy Enhancer patches on brain activity. Mr. Collins is a Neurofeedback Clinician. His primary area of interest is in using neurofeedback for relaxation and performance enhancement.
Dr. Karl Maret presented his findings on three LifeWave studies conducted in collaboration with the California Institute of Human Science which focused on how the patches impact biophoton emission and meridian activity. Dr. Maret is a Medical Doctor and also holds a Masters in Engineering. He specializes in complementary medical modalities, functional medicine and energy medicine.
Dr. Homer Nazeran has conducted study analysis for a number of LifeWave studies. He compared various studies, discussing his methods for identifying trends and study design, and made recommendations for the structure of future studies. Dr. Nazeran is an associate professor at the University of Texas, El Paso and holds a doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering.
Dr. Thornton Streeter, Founding Director of the Centre for Biofield Sciences Centre in India, presented his studies examining the effects of the IceWave and Energy Enhancer patches on the human energy field. Dr. Streeter is an expert in Human Biofield research, with more than 15 years’ experience in this specialty.
Dr. Lisa Tully discussed her findings from a LifeWave recent study showing increased blood Glutathione levels after use of the Glutathione patch. Dr. Tully holds a doctorate in Pharmacology and Toxicology and is primarily focused on integrative medicine.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
New Silent Nights Study Yields Fantastic Results
Preliminary results from a new clinical study on the Silent Nights patch are extremely promising. The study examined quality of sleep, length of sleep and daytime sleepiness among 25 study subjects, taking baseline measurements and re-testing after a month of patch use. Results showed that Silent Nights improved quality of sleep, length of sleep and decreased daytime sleepiness in 72% or more of the study subjects!
According to the study’s lead researcher this success rate is better than what can be expected from a great majority of drugs. We are looking forward to future studies that will explore these very positive findings on a larger scale.
If you're having trouble sleeping and would like to look into a non-drug form of relief, then here's some information about our Silent Nights sleep patches. www.blitzthewave.com/silent_nights
According to the study’s lead researcher this success rate is better than what can be expected from a great majority of drugs. We are looking forward to future studies that will explore these very positive findings on a larger scale.
If you're having trouble sleeping and would like to look into a non-drug form of relief, then here's some information about our Silent Nights sleep patches. www.blitzthewave.com/silent_nights
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Third Party Review of Lifewave
I have found a third party review of Lifewave. You can check it out here.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Lifewave X-15 Patch Demo Now Available
With six studies completed and a focus group of more than 500 underway, we have seen some dramatic and powerful results from our new X-15 patch. But many of you are wondering, “What exactly does this patch do?” You’ll have to wait until the product launch in January for the full story, but for a teaser, visit www.X-15Patch.com and click on View Demo.
The video you’ll see demonstrates what happens when the X-15 patch is applied to a subject with pain and inflammation. In a matter of 10 minutes, Medical Infrared images show that pain is dramatically reduced.
The images were taken from a recently completed study in which the effects of the X-15 patch were tested using Medical Infrared Imaging. The study results showed a clear reduction in pain levels in the majority of participants. In addition, the majority of participants reported improved mental focus and overall energy levels. We are very excited about these promising results!
The video you’ll see demonstrates what happens when the X-15 patch is applied to a subject with pain and inflammation. In a matter of 10 minutes, Medical Infrared images show that pain is dramatically reduced.
The images were taken from a recently completed study in which the effects of the X-15 patch were tested using Medical Infrared Imaging. The study results showed a clear reduction in pain levels in the majority of participants. In addition, the majority of participants reported improved mental focus and overall energy levels. We are very excited about these promising results!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hate Mosquitoes? Try This.
I hate getting bit by mosquitoes. I hate it so much in fact that I moved across the country to be away from them. They seem to love me and nearly eat me alive. While I made it through the first summer of my life with not one mosquito bite compliments of Arizona, it’s now mosquito season in the great AZ. Since our weather here has become so nice of late, I like to spend time sitting on my patio at night enjoying this lovely place I call home. The only problem is these pesky bugs.
I recently heard the Y Age spray is effective against all bug bites, particularly mosquitoes. Hey, with the way I get bit, I’ll try anything. So, I did. The Y Age spray is already my favorite. It helps with sunburns, skin aging, pimples, and all types of things. I LOVE it! So, I tried some on my multitude of bites.
And do you know what? I was really shocked to feel the itching dissipate. High five for Lifewave. If mosquitoes are as big of a problem for you as they are for me, then give this a try. Before the spray I tried just about everything I could think of. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
The spray isn’t expensive, and you can check it out here.
I recently heard the Y Age spray is effective against all bug bites, particularly mosquitoes. Hey, with the way I get bit, I’ll try anything. So, I did. The Y Age spray is already my favorite. It helps with sunburns, skin aging, pimples, and all types of things. I LOVE it! So, I tried some on my multitude of bites.
And do you know what? I was really shocked to feel the itching dissipate. High five for Lifewave. If mosquitoes are as big of a problem for you as they are for me, then give this a try. Before the spray I tried just about everything I could think of. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
The spray isn’t expensive, and you can check it out here.
bug bites,
mosquito bites,
Y Age,
Y Age spray
Friday, October 22, 2010
Shipping to Europe Just Got Easier!
Members in European countries now have two great shipment choices when placing an order. Here are the details on each so that you can choose the option that works best for you upon checking out:
Shipping Options from Ireland Distribution Center
Standard Shipping DHL Ireland
Shipping Cost $12 Flat Rate Variable*
Limitations Only available for orders under $250 Available for all orders
Average Delivery Time 5-20 working days† 2-3 working days
Include Tractability? No Yes
Shipping Note on Autoship Orders:
Unless otherwise specified, all Autoship orders will be shipped via standard shipping by default. However, you can update your Autoship profile to have Autoship orders sent via DHL at the premium pricing.
Shipping Options from Ireland Distribution Center
Standard Shipping DHL Ireland
Shipping Cost $12 Flat Rate Variable*
Limitations Only available for orders under $250 Available for all orders
Average Delivery Time 5-20 working days† 2-3 working days
Include Tractability? No Yes
Shipping Note on Autoship Orders:
Unless otherwise specified, all Autoship orders will be shipped via standard shipping by default. However, you can update your Autoship profile to have Autoship orders sent via DHL at the premium pricing.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Acupressure Utilized to Decrease Labor Pains
Recently, a study performed by the Dept. of Women’s and Children’s Health within the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found acupressure useful in helping to decrease the pains associated with labor.
The point they specifically used was SP 6. Typically, this point is contraindicated in pregnancy because of its labor promotion capabilities, yet when used appropriately, it has the ability to enhance the ease and effectiveness of labor, thereby decreasing pain.
During the experiment, acupressure was performed bilaterally for 30 minutes at a time. Study participants reported a noticeable decrease in pain shortly after the treatment.
Now, Lifewave patches have capabilities similar to acupressure, and the best part is that they can be utilized continuously. Lifewave does not endorse the use of the patches on pregnant women, however, it is well known acupuncture can be used safely and effectively on pregnant women by a skilled acupuncturist. When Lifewave patches are used appropriately, they present no additional risk.
This is a very interesting area of study.
The point they specifically used was SP 6. Typically, this point is contraindicated in pregnancy because of its labor promotion capabilities, yet when used appropriately, it has the ability to enhance the ease and effectiveness of labor, thereby decreasing pain.
During the experiment, acupressure was performed bilaterally for 30 minutes at a time. Study participants reported a noticeable decrease in pain shortly after the treatment.
Now, Lifewave patches have capabilities similar to acupressure, and the best part is that they can be utilized continuously. Lifewave does not endorse the use of the patches on pregnant women, however, it is well known acupuncture can be used safely and effectively on pregnant women by a skilled acupuncturist. When Lifewave patches are used appropriately, they present no additional risk.
This is a very interesting area of study.
labor pains,
pain relief,
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Vibrational Medicine By Richard Gerber M.D. Book Review
This book is the Bible of vibrational medicine. I’ll warn it isn’t going to be for everyone. For starters, it’s over 500 pages long and will take about 3 weeks of concentrated effort to read in completion. Having read every one of the 538 pages, I can say that this book does contain some great information.
What I like most about this book and why I recommend it on our website is because it covers more information on this topic than any other book currently in existence. After reading this, you’re going to be pretty knowledgeable.
I also believe this book is important to read to be aware of various healing properties most people have never heard of. This book educates on how much we truly do know, which is mind blowing, and touches on many things that we potentially do not yet know. It certainly pays to keep an open mind.
I found the section on flower essences and homeopathy very informative and fascinating. I also enjoyed the discussion on acupuncture, which was better than anything I’ve ever read on the subject.
I did have some issues with this book, so I will go ahead and list those too.
If you’re looking for an accurate discussion on religion, particularly Christianity, than you won’t find it here. Jesus Christ is not mutually exclusive with reincarnation. They just aren’t. Sorry.
Many of the concepts in the book are simply thoughts and theories, not everything discussed has been proven by any means. What I would have appreciated from the author is more clear definition of which concepts are known fact or actual science versus simply theories. Some things in the book have been proven by science, but the discussion gives no clues as to which (you’d have to be familiar with this information from other sources to know). The author also seems to put a lot of his own opinion into the concepts, without clear definition that it is his opinion.
Other than some far out concepts, this book is very fascinating. It’s interesting to think of the possibilities in healing and medicine that could be possible. You certainly aren’t required to believe everything in this book (I certainly don’t!), but having an awareness of alternative healing modalities is crucial for good health.
You can purchase your own copy if interested by clicking here.
What I like most about this book and why I recommend it on our website is because it covers more information on this topic than any other book currently in existence. After reading this, you’re going to be pretty knowledgeable.
I also believe this book is important to read to be aware of various healing properties most people have never heard of. This book educates on how much we truly do know, which is mind blowing, and touches on many things that we potentially do not yet know. It certainly pays to keep an open mind.
I found the section on flower essences and homeopathy very informative and fascinating. I also enjoyed the discussion on acupuncture, which was better than anything I’ve ever read on the subject.
I did have some issues with this book, so I will go ahead and list those too.
If you’re looking for an accurate discussion on religion, particularly Christianity, than you won’t find it here. Jesus Christ is not mutually exclusive with reincarnation. They just aren’t. Sorry.
Many of the concepts in the book are simply thoughts and theories, not everything discussed has been proven by any means. What I would have appreciated from the author is more clear definition of which concepts are known fact or actual science versus simply theories. Some things in the book have been proven by science, but the discussion gives no clues as to which (you’d have to be familiar with this information from other sources to know). The author also seems to put a lot of his own opinion into the concepts, without clear definition that it is his opinion.
Other than some far out concepts, this book is very fascinating. It’s interesting to think of the possibilities in healing and medicine that could be possible. You certainly aren’t required to believe everything in this book (I certainly don’t!), but having an awareness of alternative healing modalities is crucial for good health.
You can purchase your own copy if interested by clicking here.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lifewave Makes Inc 5000 List Due To Explosive Growth
We are honored to announce that Inc. Magazine has ranked LifeWave No. 1435 on its fourth annual Inc.5000 list, an exclusive ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States! This prestigious distinction is indicative of our explosive growth. It is important to note that we not only made the list, but moved up a whopping 3,390 spots from 2009, when we ranked No. 4825 based on revenue growth!
"We are extremely proud to again be included on the Inc. 5000 list," said David Schmidt, LifeWave Founder and CEO. "Moving up on the Inc. 5000 list, in such a dramatic fashion, is a real testament to the entrepreneurial spirit and dedication shown by our worldwide network of distributors."
Inc. Magazine's annual ranking of fastest growing companies is a well-recognized and comprehensive listing of rapidly developing private companies in the United States. Inc. uses a standard set of criteria for determining ranking on the list:
• The company must show four full years of calendar sales.
• The company must be privately held, for profit, and independent (not subsidiaries or a division of another company).
• By the end of its first year, the company must have reported at least $200,000 in revenue; by the end of the fourth year, it must have reported at least 2 million in revenue.
• Each company profile is researched thoroughly by Inc. and includes interviews with the CEOs of almost every company on the list.
This is a distinction that distinguishes us to clients, prospects and the rest of our industry. It's an honor that we should all be proud of, and it was made possible through your hard work, commitment and dedication!
Please take the time to celebrate and share this great news!
The complete Inc. 5000 list, along with a profile on LifeWave can be viewed by visiting http://www.inc.com/inc5000/profile/lifewave. The list is featured in the September issue of Inc. Magazine.
"We are extremely proud to again be included on the Inc. 5000 list," said David Schmidt, LifeWave Founder and CEO. "Moving up on the Inc. 5000 list, in such a dramatic fashion, is a real testament to the entrepreneurial spirit and dedication shown by our worldwide network of distributors."
Inc. Magazine's annual ranking of fastest growing companies is a well-recognized and comprehensive listing of rapidly developing private companies in the United States. Inc. uses a standard set of criteria for determining ranking on the list:
• The company must show four full years of calendar sales.
• The company must be privately held, for profit, and independent (not subsidiaries or a division of another company).
• By the end of its first year, the company must have reported at least $200,000 in revenue; by the end of the fourth year, it must have reported at least 2 million in revenue.
• Each company profile is researched thoroughly by Inc. and includes interviews with the CEOs of almost every company on the list.
This is a distinction that distinguishes us to clients, prospects and the rest of our industry. It's an honor that we should all be proud of, and it was made possible through your hard work, commitment and dedication!
Please take the time to celebrate and share this great news!
The complete Inc. 5000 list, along with a profile on LifeWave can be viewed by visiting http://www.inc.com/inc5000/profile/lifewave. The list is featured in the September issue of Inc. Magazine.
Monday, October 18, 2010
If My Product’s So Great, How Come I Can’t Sell It?
Kim Klaver is a network marketing extraordinaire. Ms. Klaver has paired with Lifewave to offer her expertise exclusively to Lifewave distributors. This is great news for us.
Kim also offers CD courses and several books. I thoroughly enjoyed her latest book If My Product’s So Great, How Come I Can’t Sell It?
Network marketing is a very unique business model because the potential is there to make a lot of money. This business model is also a turnoff for some people because they bought into some type of get rich quick scheme and associated it with network marketing. The two are not alike as network marketing is legitimate.
What some people can’t seem to grasp with network marketing, however, is that there is no set salary. Some people feel most comfortable with not taking risks. This is fine, but rewards cannot come without risk. Every go-getter or self sufficient person had to start out without a set salary, usually working for himself.
So, if network marketing has this kind of potential, why hasn’t it worked for you yet? This is what Kim will so clearly outline for you in this book. A myth out there is that when you open your own network marketing business, the money will just fall into your lap. Not so. You’ll have to work it. There’s hard work involved, but it can be fun and it can pay off in a big way.
People don’t like to feel sold. People also won’t buy a product unless they know of the benefit it can have for them. This is where the fine balance comes in, and Kim teaches us how to do this.
Often times, gaining customers is forgotten about in network marketing because growing a downline is where the big bucks can happen, but selling product can earn big bucks too. Did you know for each package of patches you sell, Lifewave pays $20.00 right off the top? And Lifewave just announced a new way to earn up to $40.00 per sale of package. That’s not something to joke with. If you could get 500 regular customers a month over time, say if even took you 10 years, at $40 a package, you could be making $20,000 a month! What other job could you do that with and that’s just one of the ways to earn. I wouldn’t mind making that in 10 years, though I plan to do it in much less time than that.
Kim Klaver shows us in this book in straight talk how to gain 100 customers in 100 days. Her methods work. By utilizing Kim’s methods, you’ll learn how to eliminate “seller talk” and come up with several scripts that are right for you and that produce results. You’ll be leading with your hot button and your beliefs and you’ll have fun doing it. You’ll also learn about the four agreements for marketers, which will make your life so much easier.
It isn’t hard to learn the ropes of marketing, but it does take a little effort. Utilize Kim Klaver and you’re business will be growing before you know it.
Click here if you'd like to purchase your own copy.
3 scripts class,
book review,
customer enchilada,
kim klaver
Friday, October 15, 2010
Weird Tastes in Mouth From Wearing Patches?
There have been reports of people experiencing various tastes in their mouth when they apply the Y-Age patches. There is an explanation for this, so don’t be alarmed.
It’s interesting, actually. People can experience a metallic taste if they have been exposed to a lot of heavy metals in their life, or others who used to be smokers will all the sudden taste a cigarette. Still others will report a taste of anesthesia years after they’ve had surgery of any type.
All these things are toxic things to the body, and this is proof they actually get stored in the body. The body releases as much as it can at the time, but residual effects do get left. All the body wants to do is protect itself from these harmful toxins. It gets out as much as it can. It neutralizes or stores the rest of it in places to not do us harm, such as our body fat.
This is a widely documented phenomenon, not unique to Lifewave. All types of energetic or body work can produce these results as the body releases these toxic compounds.
The explanation for the patches: they simply assist the body in detoxifying. While the taste may be unpleasant, be thankful your body is getting those toxins out!
It’s interesting, actually. People can experience a metallic taste if they have been exposed to a lot of heavy metals in their life, or others who used to be smokers will all the sudden taste a cigarette. Still others will report a taste of anesthesia years after they’ve had surgery of any type.
All these things are toxic things to the body, and this is proof they actually get stored in the body. The body releases as much as it can at the time, but residual effects do get left. All the body wants to do is protect itself from these harmful toxins. It gets out as much as it can. It neutralizes or stores the rest of it in places to not do us harm, such as our body fat.
This is a widely documented phenomenon, not unique to Lifewave. All types of energetic or body work can produce these results as the body releases these toxic compounds.
The explanation for the patches: they simply assist the body in detoxifying. While the taste may be unpleasant, be thankful your body is getting those toxins out!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Dangers of Depleted Glutathione
I believe no one has adequate glutathione levels. Let’s start at the beginning. What is glutathione? Glutathione is the body’s master (most important) antioxidant. It is actually manufactured in our bodies, and it scavenges free radicals and detoxifies the body. A lack of glutathione in the body has been traced to every major disease process we experience, and it is thought by researchers that the levels of glutathione in our bodies is directly linked to how long we will live.
Clearly, glutathione is an important substance to remain healthy, yet most of us are depleted in it. Levels decline as we age, but becaues of the bombardment of toxins in our environment, I believe our levels are being depleted younger and younger.
I’m still fairly young. I’m in my twenties. I’m not technically worried about Alzheimer’s or aging yet. However, I wear the Y-Age patches religiously because I understand their importance. I want to be sure I have enough glutathione. As we’re beginning to see illnesses that used to be associated with aging happen to children no less, I don’t think it unwise to be cautious. These common aging illnesses, in fact, don’t have anything to do with aging, they have much more to do with toxin exposure. If you don’t watch your health or toxin exposure, and you don’t consciously detoxify throughout your life, then you’ll end up with diseases when you’re old because you’ve had more time to be exposed to toxins. However, now we’re seeing osteoporosis and adult onset diabetes in children and Alzheimer’s symptoms from people in their thirties. This is because more and more of us are exposed to too many toxins younger and younger, and our bodies just can’t keep up. Nutrition also plays a major role, but that’s a separate topic.
Glutathione detoxifies the body, and the patches stimulate the production of glutathione in our bodies, thereby decreasing the liklihood of occurences of disease. We don’t claim our patches cure anything. This is about prevention.
I get asked why at my age am I worrying about anti-aging. Aren’t I a little young for that? I’m not worried about getting older, but I do want to be healthy and glutathione can get me there. Even someone my age has the potential t be depleted in this important antioxidant, so I feel confident I am not simply wasting my time. I want to live a long and healthy life.
The patches work by sending a signal to our bodies to produce more glutathione. Glutathione is an incredibly safe substance, and you cannot overdose on it. If the body needs to make more glutathione, it will. The body accepts the signal from the patches to do whatever repair work it will need to do, but the body is so smart, it will only make as much as it needs.
The point I’m making is that because the body, in essence, doesn’t have to accept the signal from the patches if it doesn’t need to, if a person is not low on glutathione, a person could reason the patches wouldn’t technically be necessary for them. We’re not overridding the bodies natural mechanisms with the patches, unlike with a medication. The body only accepts the signal if it needs to.
What I’m saying, though, is that there is not one person in our modern society that doesn’t need more glutathione. The body is smart. The body will accept the signal and make however much it needs to make, but we are all depleted, and so the body will respond. Everyone tested in the studies of this patch responded to the patch. There bodies made more glutathione, and yours will too.
Clearly, glutathione is an important substance to remain healthy, yet most of us are depleted in it. Levels decline as we age, but becaues of the bombardment of toxins in our environment, I believe our levels are being depleted younger and younger.
I’m still fairly young. I’m in my twenties. I’m not technically worried about Alzheimer’s or aging yet. However, I wear the Y-Age patches religiously because I understand their importance. I want to be sure I have enough glutathione. As we’re beginning to see illnesses that used to be associated with aging happen to children no less, I don’t think it unwise to be cautious. These common aging illnesses, in fact, don’t have anything to do with aging, they have much more to do with toxin exposure. If you don’t watch your health or toxin exposure, and you don’t consciously detoxify throughout your life, then you’ll end up with diseases when you’re old because you’ve had more time to be exposed to toxins. However, now we’re seeing osteoporosis and adult onset diabetes in children and Alzheimer’s symptoms from people in their thirties. This is because more and more of us are exposed to too many toxins younger and younger, and our bodies just can’t keep up. Nutrition also plays a major role, but that’s a separate topic.
Glutathione detoxifies the body, and the patches stimulate the production of glutathione in our bodies, thereby decreasing the liklihood of occurences of disease. We don’t claim our patches cure anything. This is about prevention.
I get asked why at my age am I worrying about anti-aging. Aren’t I a little young for that? I’m not worried about getting older, but I do want to be healthy and glutathione can get me there. Even someone my age has the potential t be depleted in this important antioxidant, so I feel confident I am not simply wasting my time. I want to live a long and healthy life.
The patches work by sending a signal to our bodies to produce more glutathione. Glutathione is an incredibly safe substance, and you cannot overdose on it. If the body needs to make more glutathione, it will. The body accepts the signal from the patches to do whatever repair work it will need to do, but the body is so smart, it will only make as much as it needs.
The point I’m making is that because the body, in essence, doesn’t have to accept the signal from the patches if it doesn’t need to, if a person is not low on glutathione, a person could reason the patches wouldn’t technically be necessary for them. We’re not overridding the bodies natural mechanisms with the patches, unlike with a medication. The body only accepts the signal if it needs to.
What I’m saying, though, is that there is not one person in our modern society that doesn’t need more glutathione. The body is smart. The body will accept the signal and make however much it needs to make, but we are all depleted, and so the body will respond. Everyone tested in the studies of this patch responded to the patch. There bodies made more glutathione, and yours will too.
free radicals,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Neck Pain Acupoints
Neck pain stinks. I know because I used to experience it a lot. Typically, the pain or energy patches used in the typical Haltiwanger Cross that comes with the brochure will produce immediate pain relief. However, there are times when you may not experience pain relief from doing that, so today I’d like to share with you specific acupoints that can be used specifically to help with neck pain. I’ve researched these because my neck pain does not respond to the typical Haltiwanger Cross, so I’m right there with you if you’re experiencing this.
Here are the acupoints to try. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures for all these placements at this time, but if you click here, you can look these points up at this website. It gives great information, and I utilize it a often.
1) You can try a carnosine patch on the CV7 acupoint. This point is
located on the back of your neck, right where that bulge is. The
carnosine patch has sedating qualities.
2) Energy or pain patches can be tried on Large Intestine 4 or 5. These
points are located on the hand between the webbing of the thumb and
index finger.
3) Pain or energy patches can be tried on Gallbladder 43 or 44. These
points run right along the top of the foot, near the outside, right
below the pinky toe.
4) Icewave or Energy Enhancer patches can also be tried on Small
Intestine 3. This point is on the outside of the hand, right near the
pinky bone on the outer hand. It’s not a convenient location to keep a
patch on, but if it works from you, use some extra tape.
Other things you can try would be to put the tan patch on the right side of the body and the white patch on the left side of the body. Normally, the patches are supposed to be worn the other way, but this can have pain relieving effects. Also, trying the white patch on the opposite side of the body from the pain.
With neck pain, there’s a lot of yang energy up in the head and neck area, so points on the feet often help because we want to draw that yang energy away from the head and neck and by extension, areas of pain. We are trying to sedate the yang meridians, so trying the carnosine patches on any of the yang meridians may also produce pain relieving results. See picture below for yang meridians.
As you can see, there is a margin of trial and error because everyone’s energy is unique, and it’s constantly flowing or moving through the body. Try these points and see if they work for your neck pain.
If you’d like further assistance, don’t hesitate to send us an email. We’d be glad to help. blitzthewave@gmail.com
Here are the acupoints to try. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures for all these placements at this time, but if you click here, you can look these points up at this website. It gives great information, and I utilize it a often.
1) You can try a carnosine patch on the CV7 acupoint. This point is
located on the back of your neck, right where that bulge is. The
carnosine patch has sedating qualities.
2) Energy or pain patches can be tried on Large Intestine 4 or 5. These
points are located on the hand between the webbing of the thumb and
index finger.
3) Pain or energy patches can be tried on Gallbladder 43 or 44. These
points run right along the top of the foot, near the outside, right
below the pinky toe.
4) Icewave or Energy Enhancer patches can also be tried on Small
Intestine 3. This point is on the outside of the hand, right near the
pinky bone on the outer hand. It’s not a convenient location to keep a
patch on, but if it works from you, use some extra tape.
Other things you can try would be to put the tan patch on the right side of the body and the white patch on the left side of the body. Normally, the patches are supposed to be worn the other way, but this can have pain relieving effects. Also, trying the white patch on the opposite side of the body from the pain.
With neck pain, there’s a lot of yang energy up in the head and neck area, so points on the feet often help because we want to draw that yang energy away from the head and neck and by extension, areas of pain. We are trying to sedate the yang meridians, so trying the carnosine patches on any of the yang meridians may also produce pain relieving results. See picture below for yang meridians.
As you can see, there is a margin of trial and error because everyone’s energy is unique, and it’s constantly flowing or moving through the body. Try these points and see if they work for your neck pain.
If you’d like further assistance, don’t hesitate to send us an email. We’d be glad to help. blitzthewave@gmail.com
Energy Enhancer,
Haltiwanger Cross,
neck pain,
yang meridians
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Move That Energy, Detox Your Body
The ancient Chinese system of acupuncture is based on the energy flow of the body. Modern science has actually been able to detect and prove the presence of energy in our bodies. It’s all very exciting, and the one little tidbit that I wanted to share today is that when we move the energy around in our bodies, we are detoxifying.
Apparently, energy movement in the body results in detoxifying because this is how our bodies operate. What’s so cool about the patches is that they can move the energy in the bodies, so essentially, whenever you are wearing one of the types of patches, your energy is moving in your body, which results in detoxifying. Detoxifying has many benefits for health, which is yet another benefit of wearing the patches. Now, you can not only get improved sleep quality, eliminated pain, increased energy, and reduced cravings, you can also detoxify and get healthier on the inside while you do all those other things.
Apparently, energy movement in the body results in detoxifying because this is how our bodies operate. What’s so cool about the patches is that they can move the energy in the bodies, so essentially, whenever you are wearing one of the types of patches, your energy is moving in your body, which results in detoxifying. Detoxifying has many benefits for health, which is yet another benefit of wearing the patches. Now, you can not only get improved sleep quality, eliminated pain, increased energy, and reduced cravings, you can also detoxify and get healthier on the inside while you do all those other things.
energy movement
Monday, October 11, 2010
Don't Give Up
Yes, this post is referring to the pain patches. The location of the pain patches in receiving pain relief is of paramount importance due to the nature of how the patches are designed.
You have to get them in the right spot.
So, my encouragement today is not to give up. We have witnessed and experienced ourselves excellent results from the pain patches, and we believe when placed correctly, the patches will work for just about everyone. Based on the phenomenal things we have seen and felt ourselves, we believe we can help you get that pain relief you so strongly desire.
The key is to not give up!
If you’d like help getting them in the right spot or are experiencing any difficulties, we’d be more than happy to assist you. We’re always available at blitzthewave@gmail.com.
You can get pain relief, so don’t give up. This is probably the long awaited thing you’ve been earning for.
P.S. You can also use the energy patches to relieve pain. I prefer the energy patches for pain relief actually, so don’t hesitate to try them both.
You have to get them in the right spot.
So, my encouragement today is not to give up. We have witnessed and experienced ourselves excellent results from the pain patches, and we believe when placed correctly, the patches will work for just about everyone. Based on the phenomenal things we have seen and felt ourselves, we believe we can help you get that pain relief you so strongly desire.
The key is to not give up!
If you’d like help getting them in the right spot or are experiencing any difficulties, we’d be more than happy to assist you. We’re always available at blitzthewave@gmail.com.
You can get pain relief, so don’t give up. This is probably the long awaited thing you’ve been earning for.
P.S. You can also use the energy patches to relieve pain. I prefer the energy patches for pain relief actually, so don’t hesitate to try them both.
don't give up,
pain patches,
the right spot
Friday, October 8, 2010
Does Your Network Marketing Company Prohibit Personal Websites?
It’s shocking to me to hear that some network marketing companies prohibit the use of personal websites as means to advertise their products. Doesn’t the company want free advertising?
A regulation such as this does quite a disservice to the company’s loyal consultants. Sure, most network marketing companies give a replicated website, which many of them charge their consultants hefty sums of money for (Lifewave doesn’t, BTW), but replicated websites do not set a consultant apart from the many other replicated websites out there. The point of them being replicated is that they all look the same.
The power of the internet can grow a business tremendously. If you can harness this, you can be quite successful. The internet is never going away. Imagine not being able to use it utilize it when it’s out there for the taking.
Are you fed up with this regulation? Lifewave has no problem allowing their distributors to create and utilize personal websites for use of growing their businesses. Smart move in the right direction by Lifewave as other networking companies limit this, Lifewave puts itself into a class all its own. With this company there is the potential to have real success because you have so many resources at your fingertips.
We personally utilize several websites to run our business, all of which bring in a good deal of traffic for us. Our main website is www.blitzthewave.com.
Something we feel we’ve mastered is the utilization of our websites to grow our business. If you’re fed up with being unable to grow your business as quickly as you like because you’re limited in using a personal website, then maybe it’s time to make a change. We can help guide you to tapping into your true income potential by using the power the internet brings.
Come join us today! Click here to sign up or email us with questions. blitzthewave@gmail.com.
A regulation such as this does quite a disservice to the company’s loyal consultants. Sure, most network marketing companies give a replicated website, which many of them charge their consultants hefty sums of money for (Lifewave doesn’t, BTW), but replicated websites do not set a consultant apart from the many other replicated websites out there. The point of them being replicated is that they all look the same.
The power of the internet can grow a business tremendously. If you can harness this, you can be quite successful. The internet is never going away. Imagine not being able to use it utilize it when it’s out there for the taking.
Are you fed up with this regulation? Lifewave has no problem allowing their distributors to create and utilize personal websites for use of growing their businesses. Smart move in the right direction by Lifewave as other networking companies limit this, Lifewave puts itself into a class all its own. With this company there is the potential to have real success because you have so many resources at your fingertips.
We personally utilize several websites to run our business, all of which bring in a good deal of traffic for us. Our main website is www.blitzthewave.com.
Something we feel we’ve mastered is the utilization of our websites to grow our business. If you’re fed up with being unable to grow your business as quickly as you like because you’re limited in using a personal website, then maybe it’s time to make a change. We can help guide you to tapping into your true income potential by using the power the internet brings.
Come join us today! Click here to sign up or email us with questions. blitzthewave@gmail.com.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Book Review: Twitter Marketing For Dummies By Kyle Placy
I loved this book! Kyle Placy expertly navigates us through the world of Twitter marketing with personable writing that is both easy to read and often times humorous.
Some have kept up with the growing trend of Twitter well, but many of us still favor old school ways of marketing. Placy clearly examines why businesses cannot afford to ignore Twitter and the internet in general for their business purposes.
In this book, the reader will be exposed to marketing tactics and etiquette on Twitter and how to tie these in with offline marketing strategies, attracting sales leads, reaching genuine customers, building a Twitter following, improving customer service, relating to the public, thought leadership, producing quality content, and do and don’ts for Twitter. There is a wealth of information contained in this book that is sure to get every reader off on the right track.
My favorite part of this book is the various Twitter app mentions and explanations littered throughout the book. There are many good ones and Placy outlines the best ones and what they do. This information is not necessarily obvious to everyone, but it’s so helpful. Where else are we to learn about the various resources out there for Twitter? If you’re using the main Twitter page to conduct your business, you’re making it a whole lot harder for yourself. There are apps you can download such as Tweet Deck and Hoot Suite to make using Twitter a whole lot easier. There’s also a lot of things you can track on Twitter, such as your name being mentioned, who’s talking to who, what your competition mostly tweets about, statistics on the links you place, who stops following you, tweets coming from nearby locations to you, how to find and build authentic followers, and much more. Placy explains all this information in detail, which makes using Twitter a whole lot more efficient and effective.
This information has helped me tremendously. If you’d like your own copy, click here.
Some have kept up with the growing trend of Twitter well, but many of us still favor old school ways of marketing. Placy clearly examines why businesses cannot afford to ignore Twitter and the internet in general for their business purposes.
In this book, the reader will be exposed to marketing tactics and etiquette on Twitter and how to tie these in with offline marketing strategies, attracting sales leads, reaching genuine customers, building a Twitter following, improving customer service, relating to the public, thought leadership, producing quality content, and do and don’ts for Twitter. There is a wealth of information contained in this book that is sure to get every reader off on the right track.
My favorite part of this book is the various Twitter app mentions and explanations littered throughout the book. There are many good ones and Placy outlines the best ones and what they do. This information is not necessarily obvious to everyone, but it’s so helpful. Where else are we to learn about the various resources out there for Twitter? If you’re using the main Twitter page to conduct your business, you’re making it a whole lot harder for yourself. There are apps you can download such as Tweet Deck and Hoot Suite to make using Twitter a whole lot easier. There’s also a lot of things you can track on Twitter, such as your name being mentioned, who’s talking to who, what your competition mostly tweets about, statistics on the links you place, who stops following you, tweets coming from nearby locations to you, how to find and build authentic followers, and much more. Placy explains all this information in detail, which makes using Twitter a whole lot more efficient and effective.
This information has helped me tremendously. If you’d like your own copy, click here.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing is a fascinating phenomenon called applied kinesiology. Shrouded in controversy, sure, but what alternative method isn’t?
Muscle testing has the respect of the alternative world. It’s amazing how it truly does work. I’m sharing a great video I found today that shows how to muscle test. This is important to Lifewave because we use muscle testing quite frequently to determine how the patches are affecting our bodies and if we have the correct patch placements.
This is essential information to know if you are patching yourself or someone else. Here’s the video:
If you'd like to get your hands on the books he mentions in the video, we've provided a link for you to do that.
Click here for the book Co Creative Science by Machaelle Small Wright or click here for the book Power Vs Force by David R Hawkins.
Muscle testing has the respect of the alternative world. It’s amazing how it truly does work. I’m sharing a great video I found today that shows how to muscle test. This is important to Lifewave because we use muscle testing quite frequently to determine how the patches are affecting our bodies and if we have the correct patch placements.
This is essential information to know if you are patching yourself or someone else. Here’s the video:
If you'd like to get your hands on the books he mentions in the video, we've provided a link for you to do that.
Click here for the book Co Creative Science by Machaelle Small Wright or click here for the book Power Vs Force by David R Hawkins.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Lifewave 2011 Paris Conference Announced
The Lifewave 2011 Conference has officially been announced and will be held in Paris, France. On June 24 and 25, 2011, Lifewave corporate staff and leaders from around the world will meet to discuss the latest product innovations and news.
This promises to be a great event and is open to all distributors, so mark your calendars for this important event.
This promises to be a great event and is open to all distributors, so mark your calendars for this important event.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Submit Your Lifewave Photos and Win $50
Did you know as a distributor, if you take photos at a Lifewave event, you can submit those photos to Lifewave for the chance to win $50!
Lifewave wants all your photos submissions and then they pick a winner every week. Yet another way to earn money! Meetings with other Lifewave members or product demonstration pictures are also accepted.
Check your back office for more details or you can click here to be taken to the Lifewave training website. There’s detailed information there too.
Payments go onto your global cash card.
Lifewave wants all your photos submissions and then they pick a winner every week. Yet another way to earn money! Meetings with other Lifewave members or product demonstration pictures are also accepted.
Check your back office for more details or you can click here to be taken to the Lifewave training website. There’s detailed information there too.
Payments go onto your global cash card.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Reducing The Appearance of Scars
Many of us nowadays have scar tissue. Scar tissue is an abnormal response of the body, and it can hinder the energy flow in our bodies. Plus, no one likes an unsightly scar.
The good news is there is a substance manufactured by our bodies that helps reduce the appearance of scars. It’s called carnosine, and it’s an antioxidant. Carnosine has many duties in the body and does a lot of cool stuff, only one of the benefits scar reduction.
A lot of us are depleted in carnosine due to the unhealthiness of our modern lifestyles.
Thankfully, Lifewave manufactures a carnosine patch. This patch sends a signal to the body to produce more carnosine, and if the body is low on carnosine, it will take that signal and use it to make more carnosine. The body is very efficient and only makes what it needs, but sometimes, it doesn’t make enough. There is no way to overdose on carnosine.
Multiple users of the carnosine patch have reported a reduction in the appearance of their scars from using the patch. This is important for more than just vanity’s sake, reducing scars is important for health.
When energy flow is blocked or hindered, pain and illness can result. Scar tissue is a terrible conductor of energy. If you have extensive scar tissue (some of it may be internal that you may not even be aware of), then it is super important to be wearing a carnosine patch to ensure you have enough carnosine. Reducing or even eliminating scar tissue can help restore and normalize the energy flow in the body, resulting in greater health.
The good news is there is a substance manufactured by our bodies that helps reduce the appearance of scars. It’s called carnosine, and it’s an antioxidant. Carnosine has many duties in the body and does a lot of cool stuff, only one of the benefits scar reduction.
A lot of us are depleted in carnosine due to the unhealthiness of our modern lifestyles.
Thankfully, Lifewave manufactures a carnosine patch. This patch sends a signal to the body to produce more carnosine, and if the body is low on carnosine, it will take that signal and use it to make more carnosine. The body is very efficient and only makes what it needs, but sometimes, it doesn’t make enough. There is no way to overdose on carnosine.
Multiple users of the carnosine patch have reported a reduction in the appearance of their scars from using the patch. This is important for more than just vanity’s sake, reducing scars is important for health.
When energy flow is blocked or hindered, pain and illness can result. Scar tissue is a terrible conductor of energy. If you have extensive scar tissue (some of it may be internal that you may not even be aware of), then it is super important to be wearing a carnosine patch to ensure you have enough carnosine. Reducing or even eliminating scar tissue can help restore and normalize the energy flow in the body, resulting in greater health.
energy conductor,
scar tissue
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Why Network Marketing is a Good Marketing Model
Network marketing has a negative connotation in the U.S. It is not this way in other countries and quite frankly, other countries are reaping the rewards of this business model far more than the U.S. is. I believe the negativity comes because of certain scams out there, poor pay plans, get rich quick schemes, and the like. Pyramid schemes often get confused with network marketing. The two are not alike.
Network marketing is simply a business model to take a product to the market. It has many benefits with only a few real negatives. When I first became interested in Lifewave, I was still operating under the false assumption that all network marketing is bad. I was incorrect. I was confused as to why a company with a legitimate product would take their product to the market via network marketing. To me, it was a sure way to get your product labeled as snake oil.
Naturally because of this, I was completely skeptical of the Lifewave technology. Not everything written out there is flattering about it, mostly because people like to open their mouths and speak before they really even know what they’re talking about. The best thing I knew I could do was try the technology, so I did… and fell in love. I’ve never been so thankful that I didn’t listen to all the ignorant haters out there. I don’t blame them for their lack of understanding of the technology. I accept it isn’t going to be for everybody.
So, once I knew the technology worked, I wanted to discover why Lifewave choose this business model to bring their product to market. In my search, I discovered a lot of companies with alternative care products take their products to the market under this business model. Many supplement companies and others have been very successful with this type of marketing.
Once you learn about the benefits of this business model, it makes sense. A company can get their products to market with very little capital. They don’t have to create the products until the products are sold. It’s very cost effective.
Instead of explain all of this myself, there is a great video to watch by clicking here. Then click on the video Why MLM? With Chuck Michel.
For us in the business, network marketing represents a viable business opportunity. It’s a real chance to make residual income, feel good about the job you’re doing, and not have to work for a boss anymore. There’s no salary limitations, and there’s very little startup costs to actual start a business without going into a whole lot of debt. There’s hard work involved, of course, if you want to make good money. I think the misconception is that the money will fall into your lap with no effort on your part and when that doesn’t happen several weeks after signing up, people quit. Well, their expectations were unrealistic. We don’t claim this is a get rich quick strategy, involving sitting at home on your butt, doing nothing. No way is that what this is. You’ll have to work. You’ll have to talk to people, but there are possibilities with this business model that simply don’t exist with other models.
If you’re involved with a network marketing company, we’d love to hear from you! Tell us your comments below of why you like network marketing or share insights of how you’ve made yourself successful. What strategies work for you?
Network marketing is simply a business model to take a product to the market. It has many benefits with only a few real negatives. When I first became interested in Lifewave, I was still operating under the false assumption that all network marketing is bad. I was incorrect. I was confused as to why a company with a legitimate product would take their product to the market via network marketing. To me, it was a sure way to get your product labeled as snake oil.
Naturally because of this, I was completely skeptical of the Lifewave technology. Not everything written out there is flattering about it, mostly because people like to open their mouths and speak before they really even know what they’re talking about. The best thing I knew I could do was try the technology, so I did… and fell in love. I’ve never been so thankful that I didn’t listen to all the ignorant haters out there. I don’t blame them for their lack of understanding of the technology. I accept it isn’t going to be for everybody.
So, once I knew the technology worked, I wanted to discover why Lifewave choose this business model to bring their product to market. In my search, I discovered a lot of companies with alternative care products take their products to the market under this business model. Many supplement companies and others have been very successful with this type of marketing.
Once you learn about the benefits of this business model, it makes sense. A company can get their products to market with very little capital. They don’t have to create the products until the products are sold. It’s very cost effective.
Instead of explain all of this myself, there is a great video to watch by clicking here. Then click on the video Why MLM? With Chuck Michel.
For us in the business, network marketing represents a viable business opportunity. It’s a real chance to make residual income, feel good about the job you’re doing, and not have to work for a boss anymore. There’s no salary limitations, and there’s very little startup costs to actual start a business without going into a whole lot of debt. There’s hard work involved, of course, if you want to make good money. I think the misconception is that the money will fall into your lap with no effort on your part and when that doesn’t happen several weeks after signing up, people quit. Well, their expectations were unrealistic. We don’t claim this is a get rich quick strategy, involving sitting at home on your butt, doing nothing. No way is that what this is. You’ll have to work. You’ll have to talk to people, but there are possibilities with this business model that simply don’t exist with other models.
If you’re involved with a network marketing company, we’d love to hear from you! Tell us your comments below of why you like network marketing or share insights of how you’ve made yourself successful. What strategies work for you?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Jump On The Bandwagon
We don’t live in the Dark Ages anymore. Most of us value progress and innovation. If you haven’t yet figured out what this Lifewave technology is all about, then it’s time you get on board.
Most people don’t have a clue about how their cell phones work, yet they know they do. No one questions the cell phones abilities because we experience them every day. We don’t need research to tell us what we already know.
The Lifewave technology has similar concepts of function as a cell phone does. Those of us who has tried them know they work because we have experienced them, much the same way one experiences a cell phone.
Lifewave, of course, has the research to back up what we experience with the patches, so we do not have to rely on experience alone.
You don’t have to understand how the patches work for them to actually work, but when you experience them, you know they work.
Understandably, there will be some who want to know more about the patches before they jump on board. It’s perfectly reasonable to know the value of the product you’re planning to spend your money on. For this reason, we’ve created a very comprehensive website, detailing all the benefits of the technology and the science behind them.
On our website, you’ll find the current research studies, FAQs, background information on the inventor David Schmidt, information on each patch separately, and much more.
If you haven’t discovered lifewave yet, then it’s time that you did. Lifewave is the wave of the future, available to us now. We believe someday Lifewave will be as common as cell phones as people seek alternatives to staying healthy.
Don’t get left in the dust!
Most people don’t have a clue about how their cell phones work, yet they know they do. No one questions the cell phones abilities because we experience them every day. We don’t need research to tell us what we already know.
The Lifewave technology has similar concepts of function as a cell phone does. Those of us who has tried them know they work because we have experienced them, much the same way one experiences a cell phone.
Lifewave, of course, has the research to back up what we experience with the patches, so we do not have to rely on experience alone.
You don’t have to understand how the patches work for them to actually work, but when you experience them, you know they work.
Understandably, there will be some who want to know more about the patches before they jump on board. It’s perfectly reasonable to know the value of the product you’re planning to spend your money on. For this reason, we’ve created a very comprehensive website, detailing all the benefits of the technology and the science behind them.
On our website, you’ll find the current research studies, FAQs, background information on the inventor David Schmidt, information on each patch separately, and much more.
If you haven’t discovered lifewave yet, then it’s time that you did. Lifewave is the wave of the future, available to us now. We believe someday Lifewave will be as common as cell phones as people seek alternatives to staying healthy.
Don’t get left in the dust!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Grounding Our Energy Against Electromagnetic Chaos
Electromagnetic chaos surrounds us every day. Electromagnetic waves bombard our bodies from sources such as our televisions, computers, microwaves, anything electronic, power lines, alarms clocks, the list goes on and on.
This onslaught of exposure is very new to us as a human race, having not been present merely a hundred years ago. This exposure isn’t good for our bodies because the energy from these appliances interferes with our bodies’ energy. This is why cell phones can cause brain tumors, and electromagnetic chaos can cause diabetes and electrical and chemical sensitivities.
This exposure isn’t ever going to fully go away no matter how detrimental it is to our health as a society. This is why we must protect ourselves from it.
Some enlightened companies manufacture devices to help with this such as Q Links, who makes pendants that can be worn around the neck. There are things that plug into your outlets and claim to protect the whole room or ionized stones that can be put near your electrical boxes. Whether these things truly work or not, I can’t say. The premise is correct in that if you have a device or substance that can absorb this negative energy, you won’t be exposed to it.
This is what we do with the patches and cell phones. The patches can receive this energy from the cell phone, so that our bodies don’t have to.
A benefit of wearing the patches is that it balances the body’s energy and counterbalances the effects from the electromagnetic chaos. When our body energy is balanced, we’re able to be protected from this exposure.
Sounds good to me.
This onslaught of exposure is very new to us as a human race, having not been present merely a hundred years ago. This exposure isn’t good for our bodies because the energy from these appliances interferes with our bodies’ energy. This is why cell phones can cause brain tumors, and electromagnetic chaos can cause diabetes and electrical and chemical sensitivities.
This exposure isn’t ever going to fully go away no matter how detrimental it is to our health as a society. This is why we must protect ourselves from it.
Some enlightened companies manufacture devices to help with this such as Q Links, who makes pendants that can be worn around the neck. There are things that plug into your outlets and claim to protect the whole room or ionized stones that can be put near your electrical boxes. Whether these things truly work or not, I can’t say. The premise is correct in that if you have a device or substance that can absorb this negative energy, you won’t be exposed to it.
This is what we do with the patches and cell phones. The patches can receive this energy from the cell phone, so that our bodies don’t have to.
A benefit of wearing the patches is that it balances the body’s energy and counterbalances the effects from the electromagnetic chaos. When our body energy is balanced, we’re able to be protected from this exposure.
Sounds good to me.
brain tumors,
cell phones,
electromagnetic choas,
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Body Never Hurts Itself
This topic is not commonly understood in conventional medicine. Disease is viewed as random, having no real preventive mechanisms. The body is seen as incapable of healing or protecting itself. Conventional medicine takes a very odd approach to disease. They detect illness after it has occurred. They cut the problem out of the body as if that actually helps. When the body is in a disease state, cutting out the problem does not bring balance to the body as a whole. You can’t just get rid of any problem by cutting it out with surgery. Conventional medicine uses toxic chemical substances we call medications to poison the body and manipulate it to do foreign functions.
This is a very limited view of the body and a very poor understanding of how the body works. It’s no wonder people don’t understand how the body functions. It’s just not common knowledge in our society.
Today, I want to stress that the body only works to maintain homeostasis within itself. Homeostasis is a balanced state, one in which the body works very efficiently to maintain. If the body is diseased, ill, in pain, etc., this is not a normal state for the body. The body will try to correct these imbalances, however, many times, there are factors preventing the body from doing this. Improper care of the body such as poor nutrition, lack of quality sleep, lack of sunshine, lack of exercise, toxins, all of these things contribute to the body having a hard time performing its necessary functions to maintain homeostasis.
Once you understand that it’s the body’s most basic function to maintain a balance, you’ll understand that disease isn’t random, and the body is not out to get itself.
Diseased states of the body result as defense mechanisms for the body so the body can preserve itself as best as it can for as long as it can. A diseased state is often a result of a sick, improperly cared for body that is doing the best it can, and the alternative to the disease would be far worse.
The most important message I want to get across today is that the body is smart. It doesn’t purposely harm itself because this goes against its basic physiologic design. It can’t purposely harm itself because that’s not how it is designed. It simply just can’t do that.
This is a very limited view of the body and a very poor understanding of how the body works. It’s no wonder people don’t understand how the body functions. It’s just not common knowledge in our society.
Today, I want to stress that the body only works to maintain homeostasis within itself. Homeostasis is a balanced state, one in which the body works very efficiently to maintain. If the body is diseased, ill, in pain, etc., this is not a normal state for the body. The body will try to correct these imbalances, however, many times, there are factors preventing the body from doing this. Improper care of the body such as poor nutrition, lack of quality sleep, lack of sunshine, lack of exercise, toxins, all of these things contribute to the body having a hard time performing its necessary functions to maintain homeostasis.
Once you understand that it’s the body’s most basic function to maintain a balance, you’ll understand that disease isn’t random, and the body is not out to get itself.
Diseased states of the body result as defense mechanisms for the body so the body can preserve itself as best as it can for as long as it can. A diseased state is often a result of a sick, improperly cared for body that is doing the best it can, and the alternative to the disease would be far worse.
The most important message I want to get across today is that the body is smart. It doesn’t purposely harm itself because this goes against its basic physiologic design. It can’t purposely harm itself because that’s not how it is designed. It simply just can’t do that.
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