Distributor I.D # 727136

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Patches Do Not Interact With Medications

Today is an important post. When taking different medications or herbs, it’s imperative to be aware of the possibility of drug interactions. Heck isn’t that what’s killed several celebrities recently?

It’s not often that a technology comes along that can positively affect health while having no interactions with anything. Lifewave, however, is one such technology.
Lifewave patches will not interact with any medications, herbs, vitamins, food, or anything else.

This is tremendous news because this means that every single person can use and experience the benefits of Lifewave without any concern for complications.

This technology is completely safe and has been proven so in over 30 independent double blind studies. In fact, there has never been even one side effect reported from using this technology. Results such as these are nothing short of astounding.

There is now absolutely no reason not to try Lifewave’s patches. They are safe. They work rapidly. And they do not interact with any medications. This is good news.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Head Protocol for Tremors

There is a certain placement of patches that can result in many interesting benefits, one of them being reduced tremors. Lifewave distributors simply call this the head protocol.

There is one disease in particular in which tremors are most notably associated, but since Lifewave does not claim to cure any disease, I will refrain from mentioning any particular illnesses.

The symptom I am referring to today that has been noted to be greatly relieved by the patches is tremors.

We know glutathione can help relieve tremors in certain sufferers. While glutathione is given in IV form with great success, I do not hesitate to say our patches do an even better job.

There are multiple benefits over using the patches than receiving IV glutathione. For starters, it’s much less expensive. Frequent doctor trips aren’t necessary. The patches can be used in the comfort and convenience of home, but most importantly, the patches can be worn all the time.

You see, IV glutathione does not last long. After about two hours, the effects wear off since the half life of glutathione is only a mere seven minutes. Glutathione is given in IV form three times a week, but the patches can be worn all the time. When one patch wears out, simply replace it!

Additionally, since the glutathione patch can increase levels of glutathione in the body up to 300%, I’d say the patches are just as effective as IV glutathione, perhaps even more so.

Clearly, the benefits of the patches are obvious, so without further ado, here is the head protocol that can be used by anyone who experiences uncontrollable tremors and would like to get some relief.

Head Protocol:

Place one glutathione patch on the very top of the head (for women it will be in the hair- sorry). Now, you’ll need two sets of energy patches. Place one white energy patch on the right temple and one tan energy patch on the left temple. Next, take one white energy patch and place it in the middle of the forehead in the “third eye” position. Lastly, take one tan energy patch and place it on the back of the head (also in the hair) right near that protrusion of head bone.

This head protocol is extremely effective and beneficial in other instances (which I will cover in greater detail in another post) too.

So, if you have someone dear to you affected by tremors, tell them about this protocol and have them try it. Relief is within reach and with our 30 day guarantee, there’s absolutely no reason not to try something new.

*The patches do not interfere with any medications, so they are completely compatible.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Glutathione and Infertility

True to my word, here is another impact glutathione can have on health. Infertility. Infertility rates in this country are on the rise. Somewhere around 9% of childbearing couples experience infertility. The United States has one of the highest rates. So what’s going on with Americans that we can no longer get pregnant? Surely it must be something in our environment, some way we’re living our lives. Well, it is.

Did you know at least 11% of infertility has no known cause? It’s called unexplained infertility. This means the doctor can’t figure out what’s going on. He can’t find anything wrong.

Oxidative stress is the most overlooked cause of infertility, in fact many doctors don’t know much about it. Oxidative stress is a process in the body that results in free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can be damaging to the inside of our bodies. Disease such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and yep, infertility can be caused by oxidative stress.

When these free radicals are present in male and female reproductive organs, infertility can result.

Oxidative stress can be linked to PCOS, endometriosis, and deformed sperm.

So what triggers oxidative stress? While free radicals can be made in our bodies from normal processes within our bodies, they can also be made from, pollution. We are living in a toxic soup. These toxins can create free radicals in the body and many of us are incredibly toxic.

So what do we do? This is where antioxidants come into play. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals and protect our internal tissues. Guess what the body’s master antioxidant is? Glutathione. And did you know that patch is the most efficient and effective way to increase glutathione levels in the body? It sure is.

Not only can glutathione help in cases of infertility, it can help with overall health as well.

Acupuncture has also been shown effective in treating cases of infertility, and it’s quite interesting that the Lifewave patches are often likened to needleless acupuncture.

So, the next time you meet someone with infertility, tell them about Lifewave.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Patch Placement for Addictions

Now there’s another kind of patch that can assist in overcoming withdrawal symptoms. It’s got no drugs. It’s got no stimulants. Nothing even enters the skin.

That’s right; it’s Lifewave’s SP6 appetite and craving patch. Now, we know the patch can help eliminate cravings and control an overactive appetite, but it has been discovered that it can do even more.

For those who suffer from addictions, whatever those may be, this patch can help to overcome them. The SP6 brochure lists several patch placement locations for the SP6 patch, but one in particular is effective for addictions.

For overcoming addictions and easing withdrawal symptoms, the patch should be placed on the top of the left hand in between the thumb and pointer finger.

As always, Lifewave’s patches have absolutely no side effects. What a great new way to overcome an addiction!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lifewave Patches Featured in the New Sex and the City 2 Movie!

Lifewave patches are gaining so much recognition, even in Hollywood. The Lifewave Silent Nights sleep patch has now been featured in the hit new movie Sex and the City 2! This is an amazing accomplishment.

Thanks to Suzanne Somers and her wonderful book, Breakthrough, Lifewave patches are quickly gaining recognition. The sleep patch is mentioned at least twice in the movie, while Somers book is also mentioned throughout. The book and the patches are cleverly weaved throughout the storyline as the characters in the movie navigate their way through menopause.

What This Means for Lifewave

There is no doubt this movie will result in further growth by a company that is already exploding with growth. Lifewave was recently named one of the 5,000 fastest growing businesses, only 7 of which were from this industry. Lifewave has expanded to over 84 countries around the world. This is the kind of technology that can take the entire world by storm.

Congratulations to Lifewave and Suzanne Somers for such an exciting accomplishment. Keep up the good work.

Click here to order your own copy.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lifewave Training Calls

Did you know Lifewave offers multiple weekly training calls? Lifewave continues to amaze me with their company and philosophy. They are not a typical network marketing company.

I have never been with a company that cares more about the success of their distributors than Lifewave does. They are so passionate about their products, and the company really does feel like a family.

With that being said, every week there are at least three training calls (sometimes four). These calls are always free to call into (though they are for distributors only). During the calls, all aspects of the company can be discussed, though my favorite calls are the ones about the science behind Lifewave.

During these calls, we receive company updates, information on growing our businesses, and mostly, questions about how the patches work, how to effectively relief any numbers of symptoms, questions about specific patch placements, how to use the patches most effectively. There is so much information during these calls that cannot be found anywhere else. Lifewave is training distributors who know how to use the patches, who are knowledgeable, and with that knowledge can go out and make a difference in this world.

It feels good to be associated with a company like that.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Network Marketing Companies Experience The Most Growth During A Recession

I recently heard a statistic that network marketing companies experience growth the most during a recession. This is easy to understand why. A recession puts people out of their comfort zones. It wakes people up so to speak. Many lose their jobs. Funds become tight. This is when we realize that job security is a fickle concept.

Working a set salary all your life won’t ever make you rich. Most aren’t looking to get rich, however. What we really want is to just be able to provide for our families. It’s during a recession that many people realize their job they thought was secure, their job they thought was safe, the job they thought would provide for them until retirement may not necessarily be their best bet.

I heard a quote recently that the only way to get rich is to be able to make money while you sleep. What this eludes to is the power of residual income. If you have income coming in while you sleep or even though you’ve lost your job or even once you’re retired, if you have income coming in all the time, now that is financial security. Residual income means you have income coming in even when you’re not working! This is the power network marketing provides. It’s recession proof. Now that’s powerful.

There’s no other type of business or job you can say that about other than network marketing. No other job protects against a downturn, a slow in the economy, or a drop in the stock market like a network marketing business. If you build up your business, it will always be there for you, creating income while you sleep or while you’re vacationing in the Mediterrenean.

There’s no other market that actually grows during a recession. What’s even more exciting is that sales of alternative health products also increase during a recession. Recently, I wrote a post on how alternative health products were booming even in spite of (or perhaps because of) the recession. What’s even more phenomenal is the growth Lifewave is experiencing as a company. It’s like the recession hasn’t affected this company at all. It’s truly amazing. Now that’s something to be involved in.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Polarity of the Patches

For some people, this post may be uninteresting and that’s okay. I decided to post it anyway. Basically, your body is positively charged in some areas and negatively charged in other areas. This is called the polarity of the body. I’m not going to go into a whole lot of detail on this topic, at least right now.

For those who know a lot about this and were wondering, however, the patches also come with certain polarities. This is why the patches need to be placed in certain locations on the body, and essentially, it’s how the patches function.

The tan patches that come with the Energy Enhancer and Icewave packages are negatively charged. This is why tan is said to be placed on the left and white on the right. The left is negative just like the patch. The white patches and every other patch Lifewave makes is positively charged. They go on the right because that’s where the body is positively charged.

There are many interesting experiments that can be done with the patches to prove this, and I will be listing some in a soon to be forthcoming post. When the patches are placed properly on the body, it makes the body stronger, and the difference is quite noticeable. When the patches are swapped and placed incorrectly, however, the body is made weak. This phenomenon is very clear to see and fun to experiment with.

That’s all the detail I’ll go into for now, but here’s the basic polarities of the patches.

Energy- white- positive, tan- negative
Pain- white- positive, tan- negative
Sleep- positive
Carnosine- positive
Glutathione- positive
SP6- positive

*The sleep and the carnosine patches are less positively charged than the other patches, however, which is what accounts for their more sedative like qualities.

Monday, June 21, 2010

New Patch Placement For Headaches

It’s old news that Lifewave’s Icewave pain patch can get rid of headaches within moments. It’s still miraculous each time it happens though.

I don’t get headaches all too often, thankfully. When I do get headaches, they usually aren’t that bad. However, one day recently, I had a headache, and it was bad.

It was in the evening, and I had work to get done, so I didn’t want to waste the whole night by having to go to bed early. I have to make the most out of my time once my kids are in bed.

So, I decided to place some Icewave patches. I couldn’t get much of anything done because the pain was so great. I put the white patch on my right temple and the tan patch on my left temple. This is the most common placement for headaches. I waited. Nothing happened. Okay…

So, I moved them around a bit. I put the tan patch on my pain and moved the white patch around the tan one in the clock like pattern, which is also found in the Icewave instructions. Again, nothing. It may have even made my pain a little worse. Next, I swapped the white and tan patches and began moving the tan patch around the white. Still nothing.

I didn’t get frustrated, and I didn’t give up. I knew I was well hydrated (an important component in getting the patches to work properly). I started to think about where the pain was coming from. Where was my headache stemming from. I finally figured it was coming from the back of my neck. Now, the pain wasn’t actually in the back of my neck. But the back of my neck was really tight and causing a lot of tension, so I thought perhaps it would be related to my headache.

I was right.

I placed a white patch on my right and a tan patch on my left side. I placed them way on the back of my neck, centered, but right up by the base of my skull. It was so high up, the patches were in my hair line. The pain lessened considerably right away. I can’t say all the pain went away completely, but it became so low that I could concentrate and get my things done. The pain was so low, it was really only noticeable if I concentrated on it.

Once it was time for bed, I went upstairs and decided to take the patches off for bedtime. I figured I wouldn’t need them since I was just going to sleep. I pulled the patches off in the bathroom (yeah, ouch because they were actually in my hair), and as soon as I had removed the patches, my headache came back with this incredibly strong whoosh of pain. That’s all I can describe it as: a whoosh. For a few moments, I had extremely strong pain in which my head felt like it might explode. I considered putting the patches on and sleeping with them. The pain went away a little bit after that initial swell of pain, so I just went to bed.

I won’t ever forget this experience though. It was very clear to me that the patches had been working to relieve my pain.

Moral of the story: A good placement for certain headaches can also be the back of the neck, right on the muscles as close as possible to the bones where the skull begins. Send me an email if you need help placing the patches on your pain: blitzthewave@gmail.com.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sleep Or Carnosine For Knotted Muscles

While we all know Icewave pain patches can relieve pain and decrease inflammation, I’ve recently learned that the carnosine and sleep patches can have calming and sedative-like effects on the body.

Furthermore, it was suggested to me to try the sleep or carnosine patch on chronically knotted muscles I have in my back. This spot in my back produces pain off and on, but it’s really always tight. I wondered what the carnosine or sleep patch might do for me.

I decided to choose the sleep patch first for this purpose. I figured I could wear the sleep patch all night, and hopefully, my muscles would be relaxing while I was sleeping.

It should be noted that my muscles in that spot in my back are usually tight. Sleeping alone does not relieve them, and I often still wake with tight muscles. I do stretch the muscles as I believe it to be beneficial, yet the tightness is never relieved. I've tried massages; they do absolutely nothing for that area of my back.

So, here I was believing I was destined to live this way. I was excited to learn that maybe the sleep patch could benefit me in other ways than just good sleep, so I tried it.

I do have to report that after two nights, my back muscles in two key places have relaxed. They are not knotted up as badly as they were. I still stretch, and if that area experiences pain, I will wear the Icewave patches on it. It’s exciting, though, to not be as tight as I once was.

P.S. I leave the sleep patches on during the day sometimes, which if it doesn’t make you too sleepy, is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. This keeps my muscles relaxed throughout the day, and I can function better.

*Author's Note: A week or so after I had been using the sleep patches regulary on my muscles, I decided to throw carnosine in the mix. I believe carnosine may actually work even better on my knotted back muscles than the sleep patch. I've now switched to the carnosine patches and am trying just that.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Effective Detox

I have recently learned of very effective detox points for the patches to be placed.

The glutathione and carnosine patches very efficiently aid the body in detoxification. Until recently, I had been utilizing the point placements in the brochures. I seem to have been getting better results from a new location I’ve been wearing.

Now, the brochure recommends switching days with the glutathione and carnosine. I, however, wear them both at the same time. The purpose of their advice is to aid in preventing strong detox symptoms (nausea, weakness, fatigue, headaches). The patches are very effective. For those who may be new to detoxifying or have a lot of toxins, it may be too much to wear them both at the same time (meaning you’ll begin to experience detox symptoms). It isn’t necessary for anyone to be uncomfortable or experience detox symptoms, so Lifewave as a company makes this blanket recommendation.

As a distributor, I can say, however, that which patches you choose to wear and when is determined by individual tolerance. I’ve worked hard at detoxing my body and since I want to have the benefits of both glutathione and carnosine all the time, I wear them both (but I don’t experience uncomfortable detox symptoms either). So, it’s very individualized, but I can say, that the patches will not harm you and so if you are comfortable, you can wear both at the same time.

I also wear both patches at night when I sleep. There are some people who cannot wear the patches during sleep for several reasons. For some people, their sleep is interrupted or unrestful. If this is the case with you, then don’t wear them at night because rejuvenating sleep is important. For me, I find they actually allow me to sleep very well, so I wear them at night. At night is also when the body repairs itself and detoxifies. For some, wearing the patches at night gives them such a rapid detox that they wake up in the morning with a headache or other symptoms that are not pleasant. If this happens to you, you certainly don’t need to wear them at night.

With that being said, if you can tolerate wearing both patches and at night without experiencing any unpleasant detox symptoms, then I’ve discovered a very effective way to detox. I place the glutathione on my right and the carnosine on my left. I place them on my neck on either side of my thyroid. This allows the body to detox very efficiently. I like to get the biggest bang for my buck so to speak.

It’s important to know that any detox symptoms are not side effects per se of the patches. There has never been one negative side effect reported with the use of the patches. If you experience detox symptoms (while they may not be fun), basically this is your body getting out the toxins. This is extremely important. Your body must eliminate these toxins for you to be healthy, and since the toxins are harmful to the body, removing them from the body is not always pleasant. This can be a side effect of detoxing in general, and is not a side effect from the patches. What’s great about detoxing with the patches, however, is that you can control your detox to a point. Simply remove the patches if you experience any detox discomfort. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush the toxins out.

For more information, www.detoxtohealth.com.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Non-transdermal Patches Can Even Be Worn Over Clothing

The Patches Are So Effective They Can Even Be Worn Over Clothing

The usual responses we get from people when they try Lifewave’s patches, Icewave (pain) in particular, is disbelief. They can’t believe something worked so quickly to eliminate their pain or other symptoms. The pain patch can work within seconds of placement, and the effects are very noticeable.

Since this technology is so different from anything we’ve seen before, disbelief is normal and common. We’re so used to putting something into our bodies to produce effects. It seems so odd to simply wear something on the skin. This is why Lifewave is the wave of the future, except it’s available now.

Because Lifewave patches are so effective, there must be a medication, vitamin, chemical, magnet, or some other substance dissolving into the skin, right? Nope. With Lifewave patches, nothing enters through the skin!

To demonstrate this, the patches are even effective over clothing. Did you catch that? It doesn’t matter whether you put the patch on your clothing or on your skin, the effect will be exactly the same! This is cool news.

Try it out next time you’ve got some pain. The results speak for themselves.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Opportunity Call

Did you know Lifewave offers an opportunity call?

Each Monday evening, an opportunity call is offered for those interested in the Lifewave company. For 30 minutes, the business and company are discussed by current members of Lifewave.

If you’re interested in learning more, this call is available to you. You must have a distributor available to listen in with you on a three way call. Today is your lucky day because we are that such distributor.

We are available to facilitate this call with you. If you are interested, send us an email at blitzthewave@gmail.com. From there, we’ll be able to make arrangements with you.

The call is packed with information about the opportunity, you don’t want to miss it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SP6 Protein Powder (Meal Replacement)

You may have heard of Lifewave’s new SP6 Complete program for weight loss. It’s a great program I must say. I’ve lost 20 pounds in the last five weeks alone from it.

Today I wanted to talk about the protein powder that is part of the SP6 program. Now, I am a vegetarian, so I am extremely familiar with protein powders. I’ve tried them all, and I’ll be honest, many of them are horrifyingly gross. I’ll be the first to admit it. Of course, there are other ways for me to get my protein, but having a reliable powder, especially to travel with, is very handy. The problem is finding one that tastes good.

There was another protein powder I was using (www.livingfuel.com) that I am still a fan of, but the SP6 portein powder blows this one out of the water in my opinion.

I haven’t yet been able to find a protein powder that goes down smooth, doesn’t taste like a chemical, and doesn’t separate from the water right away. It’s always been my experience that either the taste is great, but the powder doesn’t dissolve all the way and leaves hard to swallow little granules or dissolves smoothly, but tastes awful. Can’t we have both good things please?

Well, Lifewave has done it. I’ve just tried their new protein powder, and I was blown away. I’m picky about my protein powder, and even though, I’m a Lifewave distributor, I didn’t really think the powder would taste good. I honestly didn’t because I just haven’t come across it yet. I am so excited that their powder actually tastes good! It makes my life a whole lot easier. I’m not buying anymore types of protein powder, only this one from now on.

The taste of the protein powder is a subtle vanilla flavor. They sweeten it with stevia, but, trust me, it does NOT taste like stevia at all. There is no sugar, which is important during weight loss. Sugar is terrible for you. It makes you gain weight and decreases the functioning of your immune system. The powder also dissolves completely, so it goes down smooth. There’s no little particles to get stuck in your throat. This is what I was looking for. Great taste and texture.

Lifewave takes it even a step farther though because their protein powder is an exclusive formula. It is time released, which means over a five hour period of time, the powder is able to be delivered to the system in little increments. This keeps the blood sugar levels stabilized for that time period. This is helpful. Many vegetarians who are not consciously trying to get their protein in, often experience drops in blood sugar which result in weak, sick feelings. This powder can help with that. No other protein powder I have found can do this. Lifewave’s protein powder is exclusive in this regard! This is why I was really crossing my fingers for this powder to be good, but I wasn’t really counting on it. I thought it would be like every other powder out there. I was so mistaken. This powder has exceeded my expectations. This is how protein works by the way. Your body cannot handle over a certain amount at one time. If you eat over the amount your body can handle, it doesn’t benefit from the excess. This is why you have to eat continual amounts throughout the day. Lifewave’s powder helps you do this.

I’m so excited by this protein powder. You certainly don’t have to be a vegetarian to try it, like it, and benefit from it either. I have no doubts that you’ll enjoy this powder, and I recommend it wholeheartedly. Gosh, it feels good to be able to say that. It will be good in helping with your weight loss efforts.

A 4 lb container of the protein powder will run you about $99. It’s a huge container!Wholesale pricing will save you $20 each time if you're interested in that option.

If you’re ready to order, you can do so directly at www.lifewave.com. You’ll have to enter in ID # 727136 to order.

Got questions? Email us at blitzthewave@gmail.com.

This is what Lifewave has to say about their product.

SP6 Complete Time-Released Meal Replacement

• Time-released proteins promote fat burning
• Fiber improves digestion and controls appetite
• Contains electrolytes for improved hydration
• Made from natural food sources

One well known weight loss strategy is to eat several small meals over the course of the day rather than three large meals. But who has time for several small meals throughout the day?

With the customized, time released SP6 Complete Meal Replacement you have the benefits of eating several small meals but in only one glass! By replacing your breakfast with the SP6 Complete Meal Replacement, you get the benefits of time-released proteins over a 5-hour period. This is a tremendous benefit in weight loss because by keeping protein in your system your body tends to build muscle and burn fat without leaving you feeling hungry!

Components of SP6 Complete Meal Replacement

Clinical studies show whey and soy proteins contribute to building lean muscle mass and improve fat burning.

Fiber Complex
Soluble fiber and oat fiber provide appetite control, improve digestion and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Improve hydration. Clinical studies show that many people today are deficient in potassium, calcium and magnesium. These minerals are required for hydration, energy production and weight loss.

Vitamins and Minerals
SP6 Complete Meal Replacement provides more than a third of your daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals.

A natural sweetener found in the leaves of herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family in tropical regions of South and Central America. It is becoming more widely used because its extracts can be up to 300 times sweeter than sugar, making it optimal for low-carbohydrate regimens.

Contains milk and soy (non-GMO soy protein)

Made from natural food sources!

LifeWave is committed to developing products that not only work but are safe and beneficial to your health.

SP6 Complete Meal Replacement - the components to help you reach your weight loss goals!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lifewave Makes Its SP6 Complete Products Available to Customers

This is exciting news from Lifewave. Up until several weeks ago, Lifewave’s exclusive SP6 Complete weight loss protocol was only available to distributors. It was unfortunate because their program is amazing, but now it’s available to everyone.

Regular customers that aren’t interested in being distributors can now purchase any of the products individually or in any quantity they desire.

The SP6 Complete protocol utilizes different components to help people lose weight since there are often different reasons why people become overweight.

The system:

SP6 Patch- This patch has saved my weight loss efforts. It’s designed to help with cravings and appetite control. These are the two things that are most difficult for me personally when trying to lose weight. I get massive cravings that always hinder my efforts, and I always feel hungry, so to me, this is a priceless tool.

Maqui Juice- This juice is one of a kind. The maqui berry is not well known… yet, but it is the berry with the highest antioxidant content so far known to man. Antioxidants are extremely important. This juice will hydrate the cells, detoxify the body, and jump start weight loss.

Meal Replacement- This is an awesome protein powder that is time released, delivering superior nutrition over a period of 5 hours. It’s also the first of its kind, and it tastes great. I have a separate review coming just of this powder later.

Detox Supplements- Detoxing is essential to being able to lose weight because toxins are stored in our fat. If we have all these toxins being stored in our fat, it’s much harder to lose the fat because the toxins were put there to protect our bodies in the first place. Detox 1 supports the liver as the liver has a difficult job to deal with the fat breakdown. Detox 2 also helps with weight loss efforts.

SP6 Spray- This is a homeopathic spray used in conjunction with the patch. I just spray it directly into my mouth whenever I get a particularly strong craving.

Lifewave offers a “sizzle” call, giving much information about their complete line of SP6 products. If you’d like to listen in on this automated call, you can call in at any time: 712-338-7900. The entire call is broken into segments and lasts around 30 minutes. You can hang up at any time.

To watch our exclusive slide show on the SP6 products, click here.

For more information on the SP6 products, Lifewave’s official website for these products is www.sp6complete.com.

As always, you do need a distributor ID # to buy any of the products (727136), and the products can be purchased directly from Lifewave’s official website.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Type 3 Diabetes

Many of us are aware of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a new type of diabetes? They are calling this type of diabetes Type, and it is caused by electropollution.

What exactly is electropollution?

Electropollution is the chaos of frequencies our bodies are bombarded with by electronic devices such as cell phones, televisions, laptops, and so on. It has long been known that these frequencies are disruptive to the human body because they are not the frequencies on which our bodies operate. These frequencies are responsible for the rundown tired feelings one experiences when spending the entire day in front of the t.v. or computer.

Notice the difference in how you would feel while driving in rush hour traffic versus being near a waterfall. This is the difference in the electromagnetic fields produced in various settings. Negative ions are known to be beneficial to the body and are in notably higher concentrations near a waterfall. Positive ions can be hazardous to our health, which consequently, are abundant in a traffic jam.

Dr. Magda Havas and her team of researchers have recently published their findings on electropollution and the effects it can have on blood sugar levels in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. Dr. Havas has discovered there are certain people that are more drastically affected by electropollution than others. These people experience an increase in their blood sugar when being around devices emitting “dirty” electricity.

It is not yet known how many sufferers of the other two types of diabetes are really undiagnosed Type 3 diabetics.

What does this have to do with Lifewave?

There are things that can be done in order to minimize the effects of electropollution, but there is no way to escape it completely. This is the world we now live in, and we must protect ourselves accordingly.

Glutathione has been shown to be able to help stabilize blood sugar levels within the body. It is also responsible for helping us to detoxify because it is the body’s master antioxidant. As we are able to detoxify, our immune systems become strengthened (in addition to other health producing activities). Keeping the immune system strong is a key factor in aiding our bodies against the effects of electropollution.

Lifewave nor I are making any claims that the glutathione patch will cure your diabetes. Research has shown, however, that when wearing the glutathione patch the body is capable of increasing its glutathione levels by 300%, offering numerous benefits. Glutathione is an important means of protection and strengthening of the body’s defenses and helping the body stabilize its blood sugar levels.

Have you got your glutathione today?

Included below are links to the actual study done. Very interesting reading.



Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sales of Alternative Medicine Products are Booming

Despite our current recession (or perhaps because of our current recession), sales of alternative medicine products are booming.

It is estimated sales are up at least 10%, remarkable for the decreases in spending in other areas. This is all across the board.

One reason for this may be the skyrocketing costs of insurance premiums, medications, and illness. It is far more expensive to be diseased and unhealthy than it is to spend money on the necessities of preventing illness in the first place.

In tough economic times, people do not have the money to spend on high healthcare costs. As one person put it, people are “value shopping.”

Alternative health remedies are usually considerably less in cost than mainstream medicine.

Whatever the cause, this is certainly good news for Lifewavers.

In Lifewave alone, we experienced massive growth in 2008, despite the recession. In 2009, each month surpassed the previous month is sales, and in 2010, we're expecting an even better year.

Email us at blitzthewave@gmail.com if you’d like to become involved.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

White Hot Distributor Enrollment Deals

Just announced from Lifewave! Through the month of June, Lifewave has announced two new distributor packages available in the gold and diamond levels. They’re calling these enrollment packages White Hot.

In essence, Lifewave is offering a whooping amount more of product when a new distributor enrolls in the gold or diamond level than they ever have before. This deal is only through June. Lifewave has never done this before.


The normal gold package includes five packages of patches and five homeopathic sprays for $499.95. This is a very good deal in itself, but the white hot deal is offering… are you ready for it? 16 packages and 5 sprays! The normal retail amount for this amount of product would be over $1300.00! Yet enrolling with this package saves you over $800.00. This is an absolute phenomenal deal. This is the best time to get in with this company if you’ve been kicking around the idea of doing it.


This package is even more incredible. Normally, the package is offered at $1499.95, and for that price, you get 17 packages of patches and 17 homepathic sprays. This is an amazing amount of product and a very good deal already as it saves you over $500.00 to begin with. This is the normal package and is the perfect way to start your business off with a bang, showing you’re serious about creating a new future for yourself. Lifewave has just made this package phenomenally better, however. Instead of 17 packages, you get a tremendous 38 packages of patches and 28 sprays! I can’t even believe they’re doing this. It’s crazy. Retail for this amount of product would cost over $4250.00! That’s a lot of money, but they’re giving all that product away for only $1499.95! They haven’t raised the enrollment prices at all.

Did you get that? They haven’t even raised the enrollment prices. They just decided to add more product to the gold and diamond packages. I just can’t even believe this.

These packages will help you tremendously in growing your business. You need to have enough product to try everything to see how it works for you, and you’ll want some to be able to do patch demonstrations or to let other people try them. The only problem with giving away patches is that it gets expensive. I’m always finding I need more patches for events I go to or people I meet that are interested, not to mention I use almost all of the patch products regularly myself. This is a tremendous opportunity.

If you’ve been kicking around the idea of starting your own business or joining this company or you may just really like using the product, then now is the absolute best and perfect time to join.

If you want to learn more about this opportunity, you can email us with questions(blitzthewave@gmail.com). If you want to know how we can benefit you by being your sponsor, send us an email.

If you’re ready to join right now, you can go to www.lifewave.com and enter ID # 727136. When you get to the main page, click on sign up. When you’re choosing your enrollment package, be sure to choose the White Hot ones available right now and only through the month of June!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Published Studies Announcement

We are pleased to announce that two new research papers on our Glutathione and Carnosine patches have recently been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication!

LifeWave researcher Dr. Homer Nazeran presented the papers on May 1 at the 26th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference at the University of Maryland at College Park – one of the country’s top engineering schools. Both papers will be featured on an International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) CD-ROM, as part of the IFMBE Proceedings Series. The IFMBE website states:

“The papers of the IFMBE proceedings present research results of a high impact for the community and their high scientific standard is guaranteed by a double peer-reviewing of every published paper.”

Dr. Nazeran and Dr. Sherry Blake-Greenberg conducted the studies using an Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS) to test the effect of the patches on various organs. The studies demonstrated that all organs achieved significant cellular physiologic functional status improvement compared to baseline data.

These two studies are available for review on Lifewave’s official website under the Research section. Click here to view.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Icewave Success Story

I have a very neat story to share regarding the Icewave patches.

My son got a scratch on his forearm that went almost the entire length of the forearm. It wasn’t too terribly deep of a scratch, but his arm was fairly beat up. He was, of course, in pain, so I decided to place an Icewave patch on his arm to help alleviate his pain. I placed a tan patch in the middle of his scratch, covering only one small portion of his entire scratch, but I hoped his pain would go away from his entire arm. I then placed a white patch on his sternum (a point on his chest). This is a correct method for using the pain relief patches.

With coupled the Icewave patch with the carnosine patch since we know carnosine accelerates wound healing.

In approximately one hour, he came to me and said that his arm felt better where the patch was, but could we move the patch on his arm to another place on the scratch. I agreed, so I removed the patch and was shocked by what I found.

Underneath the space where the patch had been there was absolutely no remnants of the scratch. The area was still slightly red, but the skin had completely healed back together in that short amount of time! Needless to say, I was shocked and thrilled at the same time. It is very fun to experience results such as these. It is also gratifying to be part of something that can make such a difference.

I know it can be easy to be skeptical of these patches, but this incident more than proved to me that they work quite well. It makes sense really because the patches are bringing energy to the area, and children’s bodies do heal fast (just usually not quite so fast).

Of course, I had to take some pictures to share. They did not come out quite as clear as I would have liked, so I apologize for that, but I do believe these pictures get the point across.

Notice the area right in the center of the scratch. There are no breaks in the skin and much of the redness has also decreased. Remember, this was only after about one hour!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rejuvenate With the Lifewave Lifestyle Package

Lifewave distributors often get asked about the best protocols for anti-aging and rejuvenation. Our answers are always the same. Combine our Energy Enhancer patch with our Y-Age system to achieve the optimal protocol. Add Silent Nights sleep patches to the mix for a very powerful recipe for rejuvenation, detoxification, and energy restoration.

Lifewave has taken this very recipe and announced a special discounted package called the 28 Day Rejuvenation. After 28 days, you could be feeling and looking great, but even more importantly, you’ll be healthier on the inside as well.

To ensure the affordability of this special package, Lifewave is offering the package at only $159.95! With the package comes:

• 2 Energy Enhancer Packages
• 2 Silent Nights Packages
• 1 Y-Age Glutathione Package
• 1 Y-Age Carnosine Package

Normally, this package would cost over $280.00. That’s a savings of over $120.00.

Click here to view how to use this powerful protocol.

This package deal is available until June 30, 2010. The package is only available to distributors. If you’d like information on how to become a distributor, so that you too can enjoy discounts on Lifewave’s products, please email us at blitzthewave@gmail.com. Lifewave’s main website is www.lifewave.com. Our distributor ID # is 727136.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Amino Acids

People are starting to take notice of Lifewave’s glutathione patch. A quick google search of what glutathione can do will really boggle the mind.

What I’ve recently learned however, is that for the body to produce glutathione, it must have the essential amino acids it needs to function. Amino acids are called essential because our body can’t make them. We must get them from our food sources. This is important because vegetarians sometimes have trouble getting their amino acids.

Now, this was of interest to me being a vegetarian myself. I’m a big advocate of the diet. It is very easy to get amino acids without eating meat, it’s just that you have to know how to do it. Some vegetarians don’t.

This applies to the patches because the glutathione patch may not work as well in signaling the body to make more glutathione if the amino acids are missing or low.

So, if you find that you aren’t getting the results you wanted and expected from the patch and you don’t eat much meat, then this is something to be aware of. The only corrective measure to be taken is to start making sure you’re getting the amino acids you need from your diet. If you’re worried about getting them from what you eat, there are great supplements on the market as well that ensures a healthy amino acid intake.

Good info to be aware of.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Glutathione and Parkinson's

I have recently been doing research on glutathione and have been amazed by what I am finding. Glutathione is truly one fascinating antioxidant, and I will be covering one by one the things glutathione can do. Today I wanted to share some information I found on glutathione’s role in Parkinson’s Disease.

Disclaimer: While Lifewave does manufacture a glutathione patch that can increase glutathione levels in the body by 300% within 24 hours, Lifewave nor I are making any medical claims to the patches treating, curing, diagnosing, or preventing any diseases. Therefore, I am not claiming Lifewave’s glutathione patch will cure anyone’s Parkinson’s. I am simply sharing what an important role this vital antioxidant can play in the body. Always consult a medical professional if you have questions about your health. You are left to draw your own conclusions as an intelligent, capable human being.

It was discovered in the 1980’s that sufferers of Parkinson’s have a high deficiency of glutathione in the brain. In addition, Parkinson’s patients are known to be deficient in dopamine. Interesting enough, glutathione increases the sensitivity of dopamine receptors in the brain. This is where glutathione can play a primary role in the therapy of easing the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

There is a physician pioneering this work in Florida. So far, patients are only able to receive glutathione in IV form. Oral glutathione is broken down by our stomach acid, making it ineffective. Until now, it has been hard to treat with glutathione. IV glutathione is effective, but it is given three times a week, making it necessary to get stuck with a needle three times weekly. Many people don’t want to do this. I don’t want to steer you wrong though. Insurance often pays for the IV glutathione in this case, which is a large factor. This particular physician states he can teach any physician how to administer it and often times, patients and family members can learn to do it at home. These are all nice things, but…

Now, there is another way. The glutathione patch signals to the body to make more glutathione; the body’s very own naturally made glutathione. This is what I like about the patches. They are also so much easier than IV’s and doctor visits. You simply stick them on your body and go about your day. Of course, I have not yet heard of insurance paying for the patches, so this may be cost prohibitive for some people. I would venture a guess, though, that a month’s supply of glutathione patches that could offer relief of symptoms would be worth paying for to those who are suffering. It’s a very nice and exciting option to have.

I do not yet know of the effectiveness of the patches versus the IV treatments. I do know IV glutathione is utilized and broken down in the body rather quickly, which is why an IV must be administered every other day. Glutathione therapy can also be administered for life, but getting an IV three times a week can be weary compared to wearing a simple patch. Where as IV glutathione has to continually be replaced, the patches can be worn more frequently (within the recommended useage by the company, of course), thereby keeping glutathione levels possibly elevated indefinitely with continued use of the patches.

If you’d like to order glutathione patches for yourself, go to www.lifewave.com. Use the ID# 727136 (this is the only way to order the patches, with an ID #).

If you want more information on Dr. Perlmutter, the physician administering glutathione therapy via IV, go to his website www.glutathioneexperts.com. The video Dr. Perlmutter shows on his website of the before and after of a patient being treated with IV glutathione is incredible! The evidence is hard to ignore.


Sunday, June 6, 2010


I’ve been thinking about ingenuity today. The process of applying ideas to solve problems or meet challenges. Our world is so full of great thinkers. We have more technology than ever before, and so many of these inventions are so revolutionary.

This got me thinking about Lifewave. Lifewave is pure ingenuity. I marvel at how David Schmidt was able to come up with this technolgy. What I love most about the patches are that they actually work to meet problems we’re facing in our world today.

We have unprecedented rates of pain. People are dependent on coffee and soda to get them through their day. We’re tired and yet we have trouble figuring out why. No one seems to be able to sleep at night. People are getting more diseases. Two thirds of our nation is overweight or obese. Are we even truly happy anymore?

Conventional wisdom is not offering answers. People are clueless on how to solve their problems. Lifewave offers a solution. This is what I absolutely love about this product. The patches are natural. We’re done having to deal with horrible side effects, and we’re done having to ignore our problems because we don’t know how to fix them. I love being able to sleep at night and have energy the next day. I love that the energy patches give me subtle boosts of energy all day so I can actually stay awake the whole day. I love being able to put my kids to bed at night with my energy still going strong. I’ve used the SP6 patches to control my cravings. I’ve been losing my unwanted weight. Not only that, I relieved myself of my chronic back pain, and I’ve been using the glutathione and carnosine patches to detoxify. My skin is starting to clear up from adult acne I’ve had for years. I feel so wonderful.

This is true ingenuity. This is what I love. The possibilities feel endless to me. Thank you, David Schmidt, for harnessing this ingenuity. It’s truly changed my life.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Carnosine Patch Protecting From Cell Phone Frequencies?

I have just learned of the most interesting information about Lifewave’s carnosine patch. Let me start at the beginning.

Cell phones are harmful for us as humans. We like to ignore it because we all like our cell phones so much. People are getting brain tumors linked to using their cell phones constantly. If you leave your cell phone in your pocket or on your waist often, you can get tumors there or in the very least, chronic pain. Frozen shoulder has been linked to cell phones as well. Research is proving the dangers of cell phones. This makes sense because cell phones operate on frequencies that are not human. Cell phone frequencies are higher than our human frequencies, so in essence, they should disrupt our energy fields.

Should we go back to not using cell phones? Possibly, but no one is going to go for that. So there has to be another way. There are devices manufactured such as Biopro that help protect the body from the cell phone frequencies. I had one on my cell phone until I found out about something better.

As if there wasn’t enough awesome uses for the patches already, it’s been found placing a patch on your cell phone can protect the body from the damaging cell phone frequencies. It’s the tan patch from the energy or pain packages that works well. The tan patch is designed to basically collect energy. So it draws the energy from the cell phone into it, so the energy from the cell phone doesn’t go into the body.

Now, this can be confusing to understand if one doesn’t know how energy works or is not convinced of its existence. This is not the space to discuss this vast matter, but researching electromagnetic fields will bring information.

As of now, Lifewave does not have official research studies completed on this topic. Distributors who have been using the patches on their cell phones are able to determine the patches affects by muscle testing. Do a google search on how to muscle test, then try it with the patch on the phone and with the patch off. You’ll be amazed.

One tan patch should last about 4-6 months on the phone. I placed one on the inside skin of my cell phone, so no one can see it and it doesn’t fall off. No hassle. Cheap.

Still skeptical? The carnosine patch for some reason or another has been found to actually be even more effective than the tan patch, though I’ve found when I use it, I can’t get the internet on my phone! How’s that for skepticism?

So whether you want to wait until it’s proven conclusively before you decide to start protecting yourself, then go ahead. As for me, I am experiencing the benefits myself now, only I think I’ll stick to using the tan patch so I can actually get the internet on my phone.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Patches Can Be Used Over Clothing

This usually surprises many people. After all, we’re so used to having to put something into our body or on our skin to produce results. How on Earth can a patch work if it isn’t touching the skin? Actually the patch can work even if it isn’t necessarily touching the body. It makes sense really because the patches work with the body’s energy. The patch only has to be close enough to communicate with the body’s energy field. The patches can be worn in a pocket, a bra, shoes, or socks. The backing doesn’t even have to be removed from the patches.

Of course, most people do prefer to place the patches on the skin. It is better than using tape to tape the patches on your clothing. However, for demonstrations, the patches work just the same over the clothes and this is often more comfortable for people during a demonstration. A good tip is to use tape beforehand to be sure the patch is placed correctly in an area that produces results for the specific individual before removing the backing on the patch. The patches stick well, unless they are continually moved to a new spot. They then lose their adhesiveness.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Can You Overdose on the Patch?

This is a great question, and the short answer is no. Since the patches are so effective, people often wonder if the patch can cause too much of a good thing. We know the patches can signal to the body to increase energy or increase melatonin or increase glutathione or increase carnosine, but can the patches cause the body to increase these things too much?

Something that is not too well understood about the patches is that they don’t cause the body to do anything. They send a signal to the body (which is a specific frequency of energy) that basically asks the body to do a specific thing such as make more glutathione. The body, however, gets to choose whether or not it wants to accept. If the body is low on glutathione or energy or melatonin, then it will most likely accept and make more of it. The patch basically stimulates this production. The body is extremely efficient. It doesn’t waste its resources, and it regulates itself well when it’s operating well. So, the patches are not going to make the body produce too much of something.

There are many reasons why the body may need some help in the form of an energy signal to stimulate it to do what it’s supposed to be doing. Ideally, our bodies should operate with 100% efficiency. In our world, this doesn’t always happen. Our bodies are bombarded with toxins. These toxins run us down and cause our bodies to not work as well as they should. We often don’t eat right. We don’t get proper sleep, exercise, sunshine, or fresh air. Our bodies need these things, but they can be hard to do for many people. This is where the patches come in.

If our bodies aren’t doing something they are supposed to be doing naturally because they are so run down, the patches can give this signal to the body to assist the body in doing what it’s already supposed to be doing anyway. This is when the body accepts the signal and starts functioning as it should. The patches cannot cause the body to do anything the body isn’t already doing or supposed to be doing. This is why Dr. Haltiwanger calls the patches a “body tuneup.”

Now, the patches will not cause miracles if the body doesn’t have the most basic things it needs to work. The body needs to be properly hydrated and have the proper amino acids and minerals for the patches to help the body’s functioning. The patches do not cause the body to create results out of nothing. So if you’re having trouble getting results with the patches, these are things that need to be checked.

In conclusion, the patches cannot harm the body or cause the body to overmake any substances. They do not cause side effects in the body. The body simply draws energy from the patches (specific frequencies of energy that communicate with the body on whichever frequency is needed to produce a specific outcome) to use this energy to perform its necessary functions.